
menu-img-alt vale-wave
Photographer: Alexandre Rezende
Photographer: Alexandre Rezende

Our commitment to ethnic-racial equity

Our company is built on the uniqueness of each of our people, who every day help us move toward a more equitable future for everyone, while not tolerating discrimination and prejudice in the present.

We are committed to being an anti-racism company and together we work every day to promote equal opportunities at our company, valuing our talented black professionals and fighting against racism in all its forms. After all, we are aware that our role in society goes far beyond mining.

Watch our anti-racism manifesto

It’s not enough not to be racist – you have to be anti-racism."

For there to be change, we need to have a clear position as well as the right message. Find out what we have done to promote ethnic-racial equity at our company:
We set the goal of having black people in 40% of Vale’s leadership positions (coordinators and above) in Brazil;
We promote racial literacy among our company’s executive leaders;
We run awareness campaigns and educational actions, involving webinars, training courses and content on the Valer Digital platform;
The New Graduates Program prioritized the hiring of black professionals. Of 144 trainees in Brazil, 66% are black;
Launched in 2022, the Leveraging Black Talents Program offers training to 100 self-declared black professionals at the company. For four months, the initiative holds thematic workshops, coaching sessions and group mentoring, addressing topics such as personal empowerment, a growth mindset and humanized leadership;
In 2022, we also launched our Career Acceleration Program for Black Women, which aims to accelerate the professional development of 100 black women in society. Through thematic workshops, individual mentoring, literacy and classes with renowned female black leaders, Vale wants to help strengthen the participants’ skills and abilities, preparing them to work in more strategic positions in the job market. This program, developed in partnership with specialist consultants in the racial agenda, is free of charge and lasts for five months.

Our report

Check out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report.

Vale and Mover in the fight against racial discrimination

In 2021, we joined the Movement for Racial Equity (Mover), an unprecedented initiative that brings together more than 45 large companies around a single objective: the commitment to creating a future in which racial equity is the starting point.

As an effective tool to combat racism, Mover aims to create 10,000 additional internal leadership positions for black people, as well as benefiting 3 million people with jobs and training, thereby helping reduce social inequalities in Brazil. The movement is also committed to promoting awareness through literacy actions and content and by encouraging debate with society.

There’s a long path ahead, but we are moving along it together!

Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Ethnic-Racial Affinity Group

Our affinity group was launched in 2020 and it is made up of volunteer employees who have the common goal of having ethnic-racial discussions, proposing practical actions for ethnic equity and combating unconscious biases and discriminatory behavior through the dissemination of knowledge and awareness about the subject.

The group’s activities are focused on supporting the development of the following pillars:
Content curation for the learning journey in Valer Digital, aiming to contribute to racial literacy
An awareness-raising agenda that aims to promote and participate in events to help people understand inequalities
Engagement of leaders
Support for affirmative actions involving inclusion and equity
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Learning together

The first step in combating racism is raising awareness and promoting knowledge about the subject. Are you ready to learn together?

Our people are part of Vale’s entire journey of transformation and evolution. We are proud to help impact their trajectories!

I have been a Vale employee for more than 10 years. In 2020, during the formation of the Ethnic-Racial Equity Affinity Group, I saw that I needed to show my dedication to this cause, to ensure that positive social impacts go beyond our company. Given Vale’s great size, when we position ourselves as anti-racism, we can influence a huge chain of companies and we consequently help other black people like me have more opportunities.”

Gabriela Ataide

Responsibility analyst and member of Ethnic-Racial Equity Affinity Group
I would like to affirm and reaffirm Vale’s commitment to racial equity. This agenda is directly linked to our purpose of improving and transforming the future. Together. We have made our position on racial equity very clear to everyone: our employees, contractors, suppliers and society as a whole. We are an anti-racism company!”

Alexandre Pereira

Executive vice president, Global Business Solutions
Diversity and inclusion are not an end point but a constant path. We started our journey to seek a more inclusive environment, but for the success of the group, it is imperative for everyone to join us in our efforts to make our voice echo throughout the company, Brazil and the world. We need to have a single voice, strengthening ethnic and racial equity.”

Carol Nascimento

Technical specialist, Relations with Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities and member of new Affinity Group

Our voice is our strength

Through our work, we have gathered together many voices to champion the anti-racism cause!
Hit play and listen to that they have to say (in Portuguese only):

Membership of MOVER


Black Consciousness Program

The Black Consciousness Program was created by historian Paula Porta and developed by the Vale Maranhão Cultural Center. It brings together personalities from different generations and areas of activity to talk about the current situation and the meaning of black consciousness. Hit play and get to know this project! (in Portuguese only).

Learn more about our policies and what we do not tolerate at our company (in Portuguese only):

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