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Another of the five upstream dams planned to be eliminated this year has started works

Auxiliary Dike of Dam 5, at the Águas Claras mine, in Nova Lima (MG), will be one of the 12 raised upstream structures eliminated by the end of 2022

Vale started, this Wednesday (20th), the de-characterization of the Auxiliary Dike of Dam 5, at the Águas Claras Mine, in Nova Lima (MG). The Dam Dike is one of five upstream structures scheduled to be eliminated in 2022. At the end of the year, with the completion of the works, the Dam Dike will be one of the 12 structures raised upstream of the company eliminated in Brazil. A total of 30 structures will undergo the process.

The Auxiliary Dike has not received tailings since 2000 and is one of the 23 structures raised upstream of the company that will still undergo the de-characterization process in compliance with current federal and state dam safety regulations. The elimination of all dams upstream of Vale is one of the pillars of the principle of guaranteeing the non-repetition of dam ruptures such as the one in Brumadinho, always prioritizing the safety of people and care for the environment.

Currently, both the Auxiliary Dike and Dam 5 are at Emergency Level 1 of the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM), both structures being permanently monitored by Vale's Geotechnical Monitoring Center.

In view of the possible increase in risks during the de-characterization works, a reinforcement was built preventively in March to give greater stability to the structure during the process, in addition to allowing, in the event of a hypothetical rupture, all the tailings (about 2 .2 million cubic meters) will be contained within Dam 5, avoiding any damage to people or the environment.

To reinforce the safety of workers, although there is no prohibition for accessing the structure, Vale has conservatively defined that the excavation and tailings movement activities will be carried out with unmanned equipment, operated remotely.

The technology was developed by the company along with suppliers. The work is expected to be completed in December this year.

The works will take place in the company's internal area and all material and equipment transport will be carried out through internal accesses, without impacting local roads. The works on the Auxiliary Dike should generate around 130 jobs, including direct and outsourced workers, and Vale prioritizes hiring local labor to contribute to the generation of jobs and income in the municipality of Nova Lima (MG) and the surrounding region.

De-characterization Program advances to close 2022 with 40% completion

Since 2019, seven of the 30 upstream structures mapped - four in Minas Gerais and three in Pará - have been eliminated, equivalent to practically 25% of the company's De-characterization Program. For this year, the completion of the works and the reintegration of five more structures into the environment are planned. As a result, Vale expects to end 2022 with 40% of its upstream structures eliminated. This means that 12 of the 30 dams mapped will already be de-characterized.

In addition to the Auxiliary Dike at the Águas Claras Mine, the structures expected to complete the de-characterization works this year are: Dikes 3 and 4, at the Pontal dam; the Ipoema dam, in Itabira (MG); and the Baixo João Pereira dam, in Congonhas (MG). The latest update of the De-characterization Program indicates that 90% of upstream dams will be eliminated by 2029 and 100% by 2035. The structures whose deadlines for completion of the de-characterization are longer refer to those with greater risk, more complex and which involve a greater volume of tailings.

Vale reinforces that the de-characterization works are being carried out cautiously and reaffirms its commitment to transparency and action focused on the safety of people and the environment.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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