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Vale informs on the expansion of the self-rescue zone of Doutor dam

Vale informs that it increased the limits of the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the Doutor dam, of the Timbopeba mine, at the Mariana Complex, based on more conservative studies, which started to consider the hypothetical scenario of 100% of the tailings carried in an event of the Doutor dam rupture. The expansion of the ZAS is a result of the Term of Commitment entered into by the State of Minas Gerais, the Public Prosecution Office of the State Minas Gerais and Vale, in which new parameters were defined for updating the flood zone.

As of today, approximately 75 families, residing in communities of Antônio Pereira and Vila Antônio Pereira, located approximately 40 kilometeres from the Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais state) headquarters, will be relocated following the guidance of the Civil Defense of Minas Gerais, respecting health and safety protocols recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Families will receive full assistance from Vale, with accommodation, psychosocial care, food, among others. From February 2020 to today, 73 families had already been relocated when the Doutor dam had risen to emergency level 2.

Vale also informs that there was no change in the technical data of the referred structures and that the latest inspections did not detect additional anomalies. The dams at the Mariana Complex are continuously monitored by Vale's Centre of Geotechnical Monitoring (CGM).


Media Relations Office - Vale

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