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Vale informs on the suspension of operations at Onça Puma mine

Vale informs that it has started the process to halt the activities at Onça Puma mine, Pará, following the notification of the suspension of the operation license by the Environmental and Sustainability office of the Pará State (Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade, SEMAS), allegedly due to no compliance with conditions for licensing.

Vale is estimating the direct impacts of the shutdown of Onça Puma mine, to which will follow the probable losses incurred by those that are part of its value chain, such as suppliers, contractors, clients, and employees, in addition to the Federal government, the State of Pará and the municipalities reached by the operations.

The company is in contact with SEMAS to understand the technical and legal grounds for the determination. It is also taking the appropriate administrative and judicial measures to reverse the order to suspend mine operations, which it considers unfounded.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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