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Foto: Vale Indonesia
Foto: Vale Indonesia

Transforming Values, Preparing for the Future

About the Theme

Our role as a nickel mining company has become increasingly strategic, especially in the era of global decarbonization. The nickel we process will be adopted in products that enable the reduction of carbon emissions around the world.

Our commitment is derived from our purpose, which is to improve the quality of life, and build a better future. Together.

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Dear respected stakeholders,

Today's evolving global dynamics place greater importance on environmental and social aspects to mitigate risks and support sustainable economic performance in the future. Throughout 2022, we recorded positive achievements in environmental, social, governance and economic management performance. We have set a Road Map Towards Carbon Neutral 2050, to realize our commitment to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scope 1 and 2 by 33% by 2030 and towards net zero emissions by 2050.

We would like to thank all stakeholders for the support given to PT Vale in implementing sustainability practices.

Febriany Eddy

CEO & President Director PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

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We have prepared the Sustainability Report in compliance with existing laws and regulations, namely Law No. 40 of 2007 and OJK Regulations. The preparation of the report refers to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The report and its appendices also include indicators from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

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Determining Material Topics

There were no changes in the material topics from the previous reporting period. The material topics were determined using a sample survey form and through a discussion involving internal and external stakeholders. The discussion was facilitated by an independent party acting as an expert team.

The results of the discussion selected ten material topics according to the sustainability context and aligned with support for achieving SDGs.


Environmental Management Sustainability Performance

In 2022, we implemented five environmental commitments, namely low-carbon agenda, reducing landfill loads, reducing the intensity of water consumption, reclaiming ex-mining land, rehabilitating land outside concessions, and conserving biodiversity.

GHG emission intensity

Ton CO2eq/Ton Ni


GHG emission reduction

Ton CO2eq


SO2 intensity

Ton SO2/Ton Ni


Low Carbon Agenda

We operated the Sorowako nickel plant with a carbon intensity of 29.50 Ton CO2 eq/Ton Ni, the lowest in Indonesia.

In accordance with our carbon neutral roadmap, we have undertaken several initiatives, including smart energy monitoring, optimization studies for the Larona hydropower plant, electric heavy vehicle trials, and boiler heating up package improvements.

We also made achievements in energy efficiency. Among them is the use of B30 biodiesel biofuel (BBN) which managed to reduce 30% of fossil fuel use.

For our energy efficiency achievements, in 2022, we received ISO 50001 Energy Management System issued by TÜV Rheinland.

Green PROPER is given to companies that have carried out environmental management beyond compliance, including the implementation of waste reuse-reduce-recycle (3R), the application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), reducing water pollution burden, and community empowerment.

Reduction of Waste to Landfill

In 2022, we continued our policy of reducing landfill load by referring to the policy on PROPER.

Waste management was carried out through efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover (4R).

During the reporting period, no hazardous waste was shipped internationally and there were no spills of environmentally hazardous waste materials.

Waste Management Performance

Description Unit 2022 2021
Non-industrial domestic waste generation
Separation of non-industrial domestic waste generation
Non-hazardous industrial waste

Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation

PT Vale carries out progressive reclamation of ex-mining land with a target of 70% of the land to be reclaimed by 2025, as well as rehabilitation of watersheds.

The total rehabilitated land until 2022 reached 10,280 hectares, consisting of 10,000 hectares outside the operational area, and 295.5 hectares within the operational area. We have also planted 3.7 million trees, including 17,631 endemic species.

Total Mine Area Reclaimed in 2022

295.43 hectares

Accumulated Reclamation until 2022

3,500.22 hectares

Number of Local Trees Planted

49,242 trees

Number of Endemic Trees Planted

17,631 trees

Our commitment to land reclamation and rehabilitation are supported with financial allocations as part of the environmental cost component in the Company's Financial Statements. Realized environmental management costs in 2022 amounted to USD 20,142,498 for Sorowako and Pomalaa areas.

In addition to rehabilitating watersheds outside the concession area of 10,000 hectares, we were also trusted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to rehabilitate 435 hectares of watersheds in six sub-districts in West Java Province. Until 2022, we have handed over 140 hectares of critical land in rehabilitated watersheds to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Land Management and Biodiversity Performance

Description Unit 2022 2021 2020
Land Area Rehabilitated




Accumulated Land Area Rehabilitated & Reclaimed



Number of Trees Planted





Number of Local Trees





Number of Endemic Trees




Implementation of post-mining rehabilitation involves local communities that have received training, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government, and other third parties. (NGOs), government, and other third parties.

Periodically, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources conducts monitoring and evaluation of success until a land is eligible to be handed over to the Government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Success criteria include land stewardship, revegetation, and final completion standards, in accordance with Regulation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No.26 of 2018 and Decree of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No.1827K/30/MEM/2018 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Good Mining Engineering Rules.

People (Social) Management Sustainability Performance

We are committed to implementing people management or social management in accordance with the sustainability principles in ICMM.

These principles cover human rights, social performance, stakeholder relations, and health and safety.

Social Program

Description Unit 2022 2021 2020
Number of Programs/Activities
Total fund
Million USD
Estimated Number of Beneficiaries

In 2022, we have implemented 82 Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) programs. This figure has increased significantly compared to previous years.

Our PPM contributed to the achievement of Green PROPER, in the aspect of community empowerment program performance. Our PPM also received recognition in eight award categories from six related institutions, such as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the Most Innovative PPM program in the Health sector, the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award-BPN Bappenas, and the Sustainable Village Development Award from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration.

Regional Contribution

We provided the largest contribution of the mining sector to 44% of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of East Luwu Regency.

Support for the local economy was also realized with the granting of Sorowako Airport to the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, through the signing of the Deed of Release on May 12, 2022. The management of Sorowako Airport by the local government is expected to support the tourism industry and agribusiness in East Luwu and South Sulawesi.

We sucessfully built warm relationships with the Kolaka Regency Government and Morowali Regency Government. In 2022, we signed a cooperation in Pomalaa Block, Kolaka Regency for technical skills support on Healthy Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Agriculture (PRSLB) program.

Meanwhile, in Morowali, we worked together, among others, through the renovation of the Bahomotefe Health Center, capacity building programs for business people and PKK mothers, ambulance grants, and certified training for the local workforce in 13 assisted villages.

Since its establishment, PT Vale has been committed to benefitting community members in its working areas.

The company has contracted 11,000 local people, either as employees or suppliers/partners, 87% of which come from East Luwu Regency and other areas in South Sulawesi.

Sustainability Governance Performance

PT Vale prioritizes compliance with regulations in all aspects of its activities and all development projects are assessed for the fulfillment of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects that refer to ICMM and IFC.

Production Performance

In 2022, we recorded a production of 60,090 tons of nickel in matte, with a net profit of USD 200,400 . There were no changes in PT Vale's scope of activities or products produced during 2022, with the previous period. We also recorded an increase in the number of local suppliers

Economic Value Distributed

Total economic value distribution in 2022 was USD1,047,489,000, an increase from the previous year of USD842,205. The economic value distributed consists of operating costs, employee salaries and benefits, payments to the government, and investments for the community.

Operating Costs


Employee Salaries  
and Allowances

Payments to Government


Investments in the Communities

Transparency through the Vale Whistleblower Channel (VWC)

As a manifestation of the Company's values, we operate VWC, a channel for reporting Code of Conduct violations. VWC is managed independently to ensure confidentiality, independence, neutrality in investigation, and information retention.
Description 2022 2021 2020
Number of Reports Received
Percentage of Valid Reports
Number of Reports Followed Up


  • Certificate No. ID004085 by Bureau Veritas for ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems.
    Scope: Mining, processing plant of nickel, including its support and services.

  • Certificate No. LP-1729-DN by the National Accreditation Committee for ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

  • Certificate No. 01 407 2135341 by TÜV Rheinland for ISO 50001 Energy Management System.
    Scope: Mining and processing of Nickel Matte Product

Aside from Green PROPER, we received external awards and appreciations troughout 2022, including:

  • The ‘Highly Commended’ award at the 2022 Sustainable Business Awards.

    Organized by the Global Initiatives, PwC, the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD), and the Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE).

  • “Strengthening the Economic Institutional Pillar, Joint Village-Owned Enterprises” Program in 2022 

    The award was given by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, in collaboration with the Indonesian Social Sustainability Forum (ISSF). 

  • 2022 Good Mining Practice (GMP) Awards organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources:

    An Environmental Management trophy from the group of mining businesses with a work contract.
    Aditama awards for Mining Technique Management, Mining Environment Management, and Mineral and Coal Conservation.

  • The 2022 Subroto Award in the Mineral Commodity Category for the Most Innovative Community Development and Empowerment Program in the Health Sector from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 

    It is the highest award for stakeholders who are considered to have contributed to development through the energy and mineral resources sector.