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People and Community

Coronavirus: Vale Informs on the Efforts Adopted to Minimize Risk of Contagion Among Employees and Communities

​Since the end of January, Vale has been taking all possible efforts to prevent COVID-19. The company's actions resulting from the pandemic are being managed by a structure of regional and executive committees, created especially to ensure the safety of all. Globally, the company complies with the health and safety protocols established by the authorities and agencies of each country and the actions determined by the internal pandemic preparedness and response plan and closely monitors the development of the situation. Some of our actions:


  • Take care of our employees, our operations and our business:
    • Home Office for administrative activities as a preventive measure in various locations around the world;
    • Installation, in the coming weeks, of 81 thermal cameras at the gateways of its units in four Brazilian states (Minas Gerais, Pará, Espírito Santo and Maranhão) in order to identify people with high body temperature, one of the symptoms of the new coronavirus;
    • Increased bus fleet;
    • Extra credit on the food allowance for Vale employees in Brazil;
    • Stoppage for maintenance of the Voisey´s Bay mine for a period of four weeks, as a precaution to help protect the health and well-being of the Nunatsiavut and Innu indigenous communities in Labrador;
    • Redirection and redistribution of ships heading to Teluk Rubiah Maritime Terminal, in Malaysia, to our blending facilities in China;
    • Disbursement of US$ 5 billion from its revolving credit lines due in June 2022 (US$ 2 billion) and December 2024 (US$ 3 billion).

  • Temporary aid to suppliers:
    • Anticipation of payments to small and medium-sized companies;
    • About R$ 160 million should be injected into the Brazilian economy in the coming days. 

  • Humanitarian aid and care for communities:
    • Donation of 5 million rapid test kits for the new coronavirus (COVID-19) to assist the Brazilian Government in combating the spread of the disease in the country;
    • Passenger Trains on the Carajás Railway (EFC) and Vitória to Minas Railway (EFVM) have been halted temporarily .