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Vale announces members of the Committee for Investigation

The company also announced the coordinator of the Support and Repair Committee

Vale announces that, following a selection process led by the international consulting company Korn Ferry, Vale's Board of Directors confirmed on this date the final composition of its Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Investigation ("CIAEA") with the appointment of its new members. The Board also confirmed the appointment of the Chairperson of its Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Support and Recovery ("CIAEAR").

Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Investigation ("CIAEA")

Dr. Ellen Gracie (external independent member) - Former Minister of the Federal Supreme Court and of the Electoral Superior Court, President of the Special Committee for Investigation at Petrobras, President of the Special Committee for Investigation at Eletrobras.

Jean-Pierre Paul Rémy (external independent member) - 45 years of experience with analysis, investigation and review of dams, geotechnical and environmental aspects. Partner, since 1991 at Mecasolo Engenharia e Consultoria. Geotechnical engineer that acted as technical consultant to the Federal Public Prosecutors in the dam accident at Samarco, in Mariana.

Jose Francisco Compagno (external independent member) - Leadership Partner of the Forensic Department at EY since 2002, and Leadership Partner for Transaction Support from 2001 to 2005. Auditing Partner at KPMG from 1998 to 2001. Director of Auditing at Coopers & Lybrand Auditores Independentes from 1987 to 1998. Graduated in Accounting Sciences at FMU - SP. Member of the Executive Committee at EY from 2016 to 2017.

Isabella Saboya de Albuquerque -  Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Vale and Wiz Soluções, with previous roles at Jardim Botânico Investimentos, Investidor Profissional, Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) and Banco Icatu. Graduated in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUCRJ) and is certificated as CCI - Board Member by IBGC (Brazilian Insitute of Corporate Governance).

Eduardo de Oliveira Rodrigues Filho - Alternate Member of the Board of Directors of Vale, Member of the Finance Committee and Sustainability Committee, with solid experience in the mining industry. Graduated in Civil Engineering from PUC-RJ and specialization in Transporting Planning from University of Westminster.

Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Support and Recovery ("CIAEAR")

Leonardo Pereira (external independent member) - President at Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) from 2012 to 2017. Independent Advisor of the Oversight Advisory Committee of the World Health Organization. Engineer and economist. Masters in Administration by Warwick University and specialization by AOTs, Japan. Visiting Fellow at Harvard Law School for negotiation and corporate governance. Global experience of more than 25 years in the capital markets.


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