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Vale reports on Public Civil Actions

Vale informs on the injunctions of the Court of Santa Bárbara, made on March 22nd, 2019, within the scope of the public civil actions n. 5000150-25.2019.8.13.0572, 5000153-77.2019.8.13.0572 and 5000149-40.2019.8.13.0572, filed by the Public Prosecution Office of the State of Minas Gerais (MPMG), which determined, among other measures, the stoppage of activities of the following containment structures: Paracatu Containment Dike; Lavra Azul Containment Dike; Dicão Leste Dam; Mosquito Dam; Cobras Containment Dike; Sul Dam; Sabiá Dam; B3; Estrada de São Gonçalo Dike; Principal Dam; Captação Dam; Pocilga Dam and Athayde Dam.
The referred decision will only impact the operations of the Brucutu mine, due to eventual discharges from its concentration plant into the Sul Dam.  Consequently, Brucutu will not resume its operation within the timeframe estimated in the Press Release "Vale reports on operation at Brucutu mine", dated March 21st, 2019 with estimated annualized production impact of approximately 30 Mtpy.
Vale was made aware of the decisions but was not formally notified. The decisions were mainly based on a notification received by the MPMG containing preliminary information on the structures. Vale will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of its dams and will take the appropriate legal measures concerning the civil actions.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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