Take part in the public consultation to review Vale's Sustainability Policy
Our Approach
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Our Approach
access-the-page Our Approach
access-the-page Integrated Strategy
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access-the-page Governance
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Sustainable mining
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Sustainable mining
access-the-page Sustainable mining
access-the-page Nature
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access-the-page Nature
access-the-page Water and effluents
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access-the-page Waste management
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access-the-page Climate
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access-the-page Social
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access-the-page Social
access-the-page Our People
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access-the-page Local Communities
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access-the-page Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities
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Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities
access-the-page Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities
access-the-page Suppliers
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Take part in the public consultation to review Vale's Sustainability Policy
Vale is updating its Sustainability Policy aiming to contemplate our new commitments to society and our new strategy to achieve our mission: to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development.
You can contribute by reading the current version of Vale's Sustainability Policy and answering the following questions. The process takes approximately 10 minutes.
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