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Control and Management of Dams

Vale informs on the Doutor dam

Due to the updating of information regarding the Doutor dam, of the Timbopeba mine, in the municipality of Ouro Preto, MG, the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) related to the structure was expanded on February 8, 2021. Under the coordination of the Civil Defense and in collaboration with other competent authorities and Vale, in the next few days, the scheduled removal of those residing in the area corresponding to the expansion of ZAS will begin, respecting the health and safety protocols recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company will provide shelter and all necessary assistance to the families until the situation is normalized. The company reinforces that the ZAS originally identified for the structure had already a previous removal process completed.

The company also informs that there are no changes in the safety conditions of the structure. The updating of information regarding the scenarios of dam failure is in line with the conservative approach to risk management and in compliance with the provisions of the Term of Commitment signed between the State of Minas Gerais, the Public Prosecutors’ Office of Minas Gerais and Vale, which defined new parameters for updating flood spots. The Doutor dam is part of Vale's dam de-characterization plan and have no longer received tailings. The company reiterates that its priority is the safety of people and communities downstream of its operations, as well as the safety of all its structures.