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Foto: Vale Indonesia
Foto: Vale Indonesia

Creating values through social program

For the past six years, we have been implementing the Community Development and Empowerment Program (Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat/PPM). We carry out the program by prioritizing rural areas through the Independent Rural Area Development Program (Pengembangan Kawasan Pedesaan Mandiri/PKPM).

We first implemented this approach in East Luwu. This district has a unique demographic, with rural areas occupying 60.76% of the total district area, the largest percentage in Indonesia. With this distinction, East Luwu has the potential to become a model in the rural area-based development approach.

Farming Assistance with the Organic SRI Method

We assisted and fostered more than 100 farmers with a total of 53 hectares of rice fields. We are targeting to reach 120 hectares of rice fields that we can assist with organic SRI. On average, they can produce 7 tons/ha of organic rice. Organic SRI products have received inofice organic certification (soil and product) & local institutional matano rice trademark: APSO (association of SRI organic farmers). Their products are currently marketed to 25 kiosks and distributors in East Luwu.


Organic farming, which was initially for rice, has now developed into organic vegetable cultivation, and the utilization of organic herbal ingredients for organic chicken breeding. Periodically, we participate in intensifying organic vegetable cultivation campaigns, not only in East Luwu, but also in two other areas of our operations, namely in Morowali Regency and Kolaka Regency. 

We facilitate doctors who are also herbal practitioners to invite farmers and the general public, to be familiar with organic vegetable cultivation, and provide skills in utilizing herbal plants that are also cultivated organically. 

As for organic farming, we are proud to encourage vulnerable groups, namely people with disabilities, to adopt organic backyard chicken breeding. Starting in 2022, we developed an excellent livestock breeding area in Matompi Village, Towuti District, East Luwu, by providing assistance in the form of chicken coops and organic native chicken chicks to youth with disabilities, members of the 'Woliko' farming group. The Woliko group consists of 12 youths, and six of them are people with disabilities.

We supervise 87 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that we intensively assist and provide trainings to. They are classified into 3 groups and levels, namely Beginners, Towards Independence, and Independent. We started this program in 2018 with an initial 64 people. Gradually, in 2022, there were already five business actors who were categorized as independent or eligible for financing.

To strengthen our synergy with the community, we also involve joint village-owned enterprises, BUMDesma, to increase the economic impact of our PPM programs. For example, in Sorowako, we worked with BUMDesma Anatowa Otolu to develop the Kareso Anatowa Gallery, which became a center for East Luwu MSME products. On several occasions at various exhibitions within South Sulawesi and Jakarta, we facilitated the BUMDesma and MSME products to showcase their businesses.

We are also active in conducting seminars, trainings, and special sessions for employees who are about to retire in order to improve their entrepreneurial skills.

Providing a fish feed production house that is now branded "Gembae" is another story of synergy with BUMDesma to boost the economy of village communities. This fish feed product was developed by BUMDesma Karya Sipatuo, Balantang Village, East Luwu. It was the local community that had the original idea to convert invasive fish such as tilapia and tilapia, which often prey on milkfish and shrimp seedlings developed by the community. Mentoring and equipment assistance brought this idea into concrete products, which have produced up to 2 tons of environmentally friendly feed in the first month of the production house's operation.

Our other flagship program is the Herbal Community Resource Health Unit (UKBM). In collaboration with the community and local government, we build Rumah Sehat HIPHO, actively conduct training, and facilitate herbal-based practices run by the community. 

Among the herbal training that we facilitate are Basic and Advanced Herbal Training, Introduction to Disease, Herbal Processing, Basic Therapy, Packaging and production of herbal products, Training of Herbal Posyandu trainers, and Entrepreneurship of "Jamu" and "Griya Sehat". Until 2022, we have facilitated training for 379 people, most of whom are housewives. 38 of them have been certified as traditional healers.

In 2022, our approach to encourage the use of herbal plants for public health was recognized with a gold category award from the Indonesia Sustainable Development Award (ISDA). 

This positive achievement has fueled us to introduce more herbal UKBMs to our development projects in Morowali and Kolaka. On June 15, 2023, we held another Organic Herbal Training. In this activity, we invited speakers, namely Medical Herbalist, dr. Rianti Maharani, Organic Plant Expert, Alik Sutaryat, and 126 farmers from 13 villages empowered by PT Vale Indonesia Growth Project (IGP) Morowali.

Previously, on May 18, 2023, similar training was also held for five days in Kolaka. Training participants consisting of farmers and housewives were given several materials, namely the practice of making and applying organic fertilizer, effective pest control, and processing agricultural products and herbs to increase income. 

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The implementation of PPM also includes support for supporting infrastructure development. In 2022, the realization of PPM supporting infrastructure costs reached US$2,786,450 covering the Sorowako, Bahodopi and Pomalaa Blocks, with realization including:

  • Construction of a new clean water network in Towuti District
  • Operation and maintenance of the Towuti District clean water network
  • The Dongi Ledu-Ledu residential infrastructure development program, such as house renovation, rehabilitation of access roads, and assessment of the construction of a clean water network
  • Maintenance and repair of public facilities and public infrastructure within PT Vale's empowerment areas covering four sub-districts, namely Nuha District, Towuti District, Wasuponda District and Malili District
  • Construction and development of facilities and infrastructure in Bahodopi District, such as renovation of community health center (Puskesmas) construction of school fences, village offices, drainage, development of aquaculture and agriculture, and community empowerment.

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