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Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM / Emergency Action Plan) 

A document that defines immediate actions in emergency and aims to provide measures to minimize risk to communities and environmental impacts and cultural heritage.

All Vale dams in Brazil, included in the National Dam Safety Policy, as well as all dams included in the State Dam Safety Policy) include a Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) / Emergency Action Plan. 

The plan is drawn up, developed, implemented, and managed in accordance with the requirements of the law and the emergency guidelines of civil protection and defense bodies. 

Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) includes: 

• Flood inundation area in the event of dam failure;

• Arrival time of flood wave in potentially affected areas;

• Meeting points outside the risk area and indication of escape routes, which are safe paths of access;

• Geolocation information for sirens;

• Procedures in case sirens are sounded;

• Notification flow in case of emergency;

• Actions to minimize environmental and socio-cultural impacts;

• Measures to ensure the supply of drinking water;

• Communication channels for addressing community inquiries.

Calendar of events

Participe do Seminário Orientativo e Reunião Pública sobre segurança de barragens em Rio Piracicaba

A Defesa Civil de Rio Piracicaba e a Vale realizarão reuniões com a comunidade para apresentar o Plano de Ação de Emergência referente às barragens Diogo, Elefante, ED Vale das Cobras, da mina de Água Limpa.

Serão abordados detalhes das barragens, atualizações das sinalizações de rota de fuga, pontos de encontros e de sirenes.

Os encontros são uma oportunidade para esclarecer dúvidas, aprender mais sobre o sistema de segurança das barragens, opinar e participar do plano, além de se preparar para o simulado prático de emergência que será realizado no dia 21 de março, às 14 horas.

Bairros participantes: Bicas, Brumadinho, Centro, Córrego São Miguel, De Fátima, Fidalgo, Fundão, Samitri, Mariana Vasconcellos, Pantame, Ponte Saraiva, Potreiro e Praia.

As reuniões serão presenciais. Confira abaixo a programação para os 3 encontros e escolha o melhor dia e horário para participar.


02 de março - 10h

Escola Municipal  Sebastião Araújo

Avenida dos Poderes, n. 115 - bairro Bicas- Rio Piracicaba - MG


02 de março - 14h

Escola Municipal Córrego São Miguel

Rua Emília de Freitas, n.1407- Córrego São Miguel - Rio Piracicaba – MG

05 de março - 18h30

Câmara Municipal de Rio Piracicaba

R. Camilo Magalhães Ataíde, n. 577 - Centro - Rio Piracicaba - MG

Não houve alteração na condição de segurança das barragens, que seguem monitoradas e inspecionadas regularmente.

Em caso de dúvidas ou para mais informações, fale com a Defesa Civil de Rio Piracicaba (31) 99596-5854 ou com a Vale pelo 0800 285 7000

Meeting on dam safety. Take part! 

On March 12/24, at 7pm, the Civil Defenses of Itabira, Santa Maria de Itabira and Vale will hold a meeting with the community to present the Emergency Action Plans for the Alcindo Vieira, Borrachudo, Borrachudo II, Cemig I, Cemig II, Dique Quinzinho, Jirau, Piabas and Santana dams, at the Cauê and Meio mines, located in Itabira/MG. Details of the dams will be covered, as well as updates on escape route signs, meeting points and sirens. 

The meeting is an opportunity to clarify doubts, learn more about the dam safety system, give your opinion and participate in the plan, as well as prepare for the next practical emergency drill on April 13/24. 

You can take part in person or live online by clicking here

See below for your nearest face-to-face meeting place: 

Bar da Dona Aparecida
Borrachudo Community - Itabira/MG 

Maria Torres Horta School
Chapel Rua da Vargem BR-120, SN, Pedreira - Itabira/MG 

São Sebastião Chapel 
Córrego da Lage Community Santa Maria de Itabira/MG 

We will provide minibuses and vehicles to take residents to the meeting places. The minibuses will be identified on the overhead sign and windshield. 

Get to know the boarding points by clicking here.

To use Vale's transportation, choose one of the available locations and be there at the time indicated. 

Important: People must bring a document to identify themselves when boarding the bus. After the meeting, the minibus will take the same route back. 

There have been no changes to the safety conditions of the dams, which continue to be constantly monitored and inspected. 

Simulado de segurança de barragens da estrutura 7 - Mina de Viga

As Defesas Civis de Jeceaba, Congonhas e São Brás do Suaçuí, com o apoio da Vale, realizarão no dia 27 de fevereiro, às 14h, o simulado de segurança da barragem 7, da mina de Viga

O objetivo da atividade é orientar os moradores da ZAS (Zona de Autossalvamento) desta barragem sobre como proceder em caso de emergência com barragem de mineração.

A atividade é preventiva e faz parte da implementação do Plano de Ação de Emergência para Barragens de Mineração (PAEBM). Na ocasião, serão acionadas as sirenes do sistema de emergência, que poderão ser ouvidas em alguns bairros/comunidades dos 3 municípios, além de áreas internas da Vale. Ao ouvirem o toque das sirenes, os moradores deverão paralisar suas atividades e se deslocar até o ponto de encontro mais próximo, seguindo as rotas de fuga.

Regiões e bairros que participam do simulado: 


Jeceaba: Centro, Comunidade Casinhas, Sumidouro, Vila Reis, Cavalhada, Volta Fria, Sobe e Desce, Caetano Lopes, Charinha, Vila Minério, Bananal e Farinheiros de Baixo;

Congonhas: Comunidade Santa Quitéria, Plataforma, Barra de Santo Antônio e Farinheiros de Cima

São Brás do Suaçuí: Comunidade Rio Abaixo

No momento do exercício, haverá bloqueio em algumas vias da região para garantir a segurança dos participantes.

Reforçamos que não houve alteração no nível de segurança da barragem, que segue monitorada pelo Centro de Monitoramento Geotécnico Vale (CMG), além de passar por inspeções de campo regularmente. 

Organized by the Municipal Coordination of Protection and civil defense with full support from the developer, the goal is to contribute to maintaining the readiness of communities and internal workers in the self-rescue zone. The effectiveness of signage and sound alert system is checked, meeting points and the evacuation time of people from the risk area are evaluated, among other aspects. Community participation is crucial.

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Understanding the Self-Rescue Zone and Secondary Safety Zone:  

The entire region where there is not enough time for intervention by competent authorities in an emergency. Therefore, the distance corresponding to a flood wave arrival time of 30 minutes or 10 km is adopted. 
The region beyond 10 km or 30 minutes where there is enough time for people to proceed with their own rescue and withdraw towards meeting points where assistance occurs. As a result, if dams are classified at emergency levels 2 and 3, the self-rescue zone is evacuated and the secondary safety zone is notified. 

Additional information

The floodplain comprises the path of the tailings and/or sediments in the areas potentially affected by a dam failure. It is obtained through technical studies. With this information, it is possible to define safe routes and meeting points outside the risk area;

Periodically, the community in the SAZ is instructed and trained on how to act in the event of an emergency;

The main means of warning defined in the PAEBM /PAE are sirens, which have been planned and installed with a view to providing acoustic coverage of the entire SBA.

The sirens undergo periodic tests, including silencing. During the monthly tests, the sound emitted by the sirens is instrumental music. This way, residents can tell when it's a test or a real emergency situation.

Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photo: Vale's Archive

Understanding the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) 

For better comprehension, the PAEBM / Emergency Action Plan was structured into specific sections as: 

Section I – characterization of the PAEBM and all technical elements aiming to meet requirements of the supervisory entities identified by the National Dam Safety Policy

Section II – civil defence protection and defence actions in compliance with the requirements of civil defence agencies 

Section III – actions for the protection and mitigation of environmental impacts such as wildlife rescue and water supply diagnosis in compliance with environmental agency requirements 

Section IV – actions for the preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage 

Section V – actions necessary for the preservation and safeguarding of production animals (applicable only to dams in the state of Minas Gerais) 

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Mina Timbopeba

Mina Fazendão

Mina Fábrica Nova

Mina de Capanema

Mina de Brucutu

Mina Alegria

Mina Água Limpa

Main Engagement Actions Conducted to Ensure Operability of Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM): 

Aims to contribute to maintaining the readiness of internal teams by allowing greater familiarity of those involved with the elements and responsibilities inherent to the PAEBM.

Their aim is to help maintain the readiness of the internal teams, since they allow those involved to become more familiar with the elements and duties inherent in the PAEBM.

With the participation of representatives of the municipality, civil defense agencies and the population present in the ZA, it aims to disseminate safety procedures and discuss procedures to enable an increasingly effective PAEBM. At this meeting, the flood map will be displayed, all those interested in the plan will be discussed and any questions will be answered.

Sirens undergo periodic tests, including silent ones. In monthly tests, the sound emitted by the sirens is instrumental music. This allows residents to differentiate between a test and a real emergency.
Evaluation by an external multidisciplinary team of all elements forming the PAEBM to verify its operability. The external team is responsible for preparing the Compliance and Operationality Report of the PAEBM and issuing the Compliance and Operationality Declaration of the PAEBM.

Watch the upcoming events

On November 27, at 7pm, Belo Vale Civil Defense and Vale will hold a meeting with the community to present the Emergency Action Plans for the Marés I and II structures, located in Belo Vale/MG. 

Information about the dams, updates on escape route signs, meeting points and sirens will be covered. 

The meeting/seminar will be an opportunity to clarify doubts, learn more about the dam safety system, give your opinion and participate in the plan. 

You can take part in person or live online. 

Venue: Pizzaria Varandão - MG 442, Km17 - Belo Vale/MG 

To participate online, click here

On February 22, at 6pm, Vale held a Public Meeting to present information about the Monjolo, ED Monjolo, Porteirinha and Principal dams, located at the Água Limpa and Capanema mines in the municipality of Santa Bárbara, in compliance with Municipal Law 1,900/2019. 

The meeting was an opportunity for the community to learn more about the dams, be informed about safety features and clarify doubts. 

Check out the minutes of the meeting by clicking here


See more guidelines on incident prevention and emergencies (only available in Portuguese)

Seminário Orientativo e Reunião Pública em Macacos - Nova Lima (MG) 

Seminário Orientativo Mina de Águas Claras - 2023

Seminário Orientativo Minas Abóboras, Capitão do Mato e Galinheiro

Seminário Orientativo Sossego realizado em 09/03/2023


Read more

For more information about our dams, please visit our page here
For information about our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, access our Portal. 

PAEBM Commitment​

Understand our commitment to local communities.​

Please allow us to reintroduce ourselves. We are Vale and you no doubt have something to tell us. We would like to hear any questions, criticisms or ideas for building together a culture of accident prevention in your community.​
We are neighbors and you can rest assured that whatever impacts you, impacts us too. In our history, as well as in yours, a lot has already happened. Since we were born, in 1942, we have seen so much progress, so many jobs, and so many people who have grown together.​
We have also experienced problems and tragedies that made us review our trajectory. But please believe us when we say that we have learned from these mistakes. And we have assumed our technical, legal and social responsibilities. After all, our ambition is to be one of the safest mining companies in the world.​
We have dedicated our research to a future of dry mining, with ever fewer dams needed. This transformation will take time but it has already begun.​
We now want to reduce risks and strengthen accident prevention in the communities around us.​
That’s why we invite you to be part of our Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM), a system that explains how dams work and teaches us how to behave in the event of emergencies.​

​The PAEBM is an efficient plan and it will achieve its maximum potential if we all work together. That’s why it is so important for you to participate. Let’s join forces to protect ourselves.

Iron ore helps the world evolve and Vale contributes to our region’s development. The community is part of the safety evolution cycle.​
Now that we’re talking about people, we want to hear from you.​
What’s your story? What do you expect from us and from our coexistence? As neighbors, we want to be close not only physically, but also in line with our purpose of growing in harmony and care.​