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Control and Management of Dams

Reduction of Sul Inferior dam’s emergency level

​The Sul Inferior dam, at the Gongo Soco mine, in Ouro Preto (MG), had its emergency level reduced from 2 to 1, on June 18, 2021. The change, which reflects the increased safety and stability of the structure, is a result of a series of corrective works on the structure's slope, carried out by Vale in recent months. The improvements were monitored and certified by the technical consulting firm in charge.
The reduction in the level of emergency was filed with the competent bodies, according to guidelines established in the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) and by the Brazilian legislation, and reported to the National Mining Agency (ANM) and to the technical audit supporting the Minas Gerais Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPMG).
Despite the increased safety, the families evacuated from the Sul Inferior dam’s Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) will remain preventively relocated until the completion of the de-characterization process of the Sul Superior dam, located nearby.
Sul Inferior is a water and sediment containment dam, built in a single step, considered one of the safest construction methods. It is monitored 24 hours a day by the Geotechnical Monitoring Center (CMG) and is regularly inspected by internal and external teams. Vale will continue to carry out maintenance and adjustment activities so that the indicators follow the most conservative parameters established by specialized technical consultants, focusing on the safety of the people who work and live in the surroundings of the structure.

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