
Funcionária da Vale sorrindo em paisagem verde. Ela veste uniforme verde
da vale, oculos, capacete e protetores auriculares Artefato visual de onda Vale
Foto: Vale Indonesia
Foto: Vale Indonesia

We are committed to putting life as the top priority over mere material accomplishments.

We ensure employees are constantly learning and growing. We believe Vale's growth is linked to the growth of the people who help build our business daily. See here for Our Worker Policy.

Our Commitment

Since our establishment, we have been committed to prioritizing the involvement of local, regional and national workers in our operations and business activities, including in the growth projects we carry out. The involvement of our local, regional and national workers is in line with the Principles in the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework.

We allocate employees according to the needs of operational activities and other supporting activities. Based on the workplace, our employees are spread across the Jakarta Head Office, Makassar Representative Office, the company's operational center in Sorowako, as well as in the growth project areas in the Bahodopi Block and Pomalaa Block areas.

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Foto: Vale Indonesia

Our People

In 2022, we employed 2,934 people, consisting of

2,678 male, 256 female.

Our employees are 99,8% Indonesian citizens, and only 0.2% are expatriates.

In addition to company employees, we have non-employee workers, namely contractor and supplier workers. The number of our non-employee workers as of August 2022 is 9,103 people.

The number of female employees at PT Vale in 2022 has reached 256 people or 8.7% of the total employees

Of these, 25 people, or 8.3% of the total employees occupy positions at the managerial level with the highest position being General Manager. Meanwhile, 11 people, or 4.3% of the total female employees occupy management positions.

The number of employees with disabilities in 2022 is 4 people, an increase of one person since 2021

It has covered 0.1% of the total employees. They work as either non-staff or senior staff.

In 2022 we added 102 new employees, consisting of 88 people or 86.3% male, and 14 people or 13.7% female.

We also promoted 439 employees, consisting of 399 people or 91% male, and 40 people or 9% female.

Most of our employees are local talents from East Luwu Regency and other areas in South Sulawesi. The company targets that there will be local people to hold positions on the Board of Directors. In the 2022 reporting period, theDeputy Chief Operation Officer (COO), Abu Ashar, is a native of South Sulawesi.

In terms of recruitment, we provide equal opportunities for everyone to work as employees of PT Vale. The employee recruitment process is carried out in a fair and competency-based manner, and takes place in stages. Workforce selection always begins with the recruitment of local and regional talents, and continues with national talents.

The entire process takes place regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, social class, physical limitations for persons with disabilities, or other things that can lead to discrimination. Throughout 2022 we have never received any complaints regarding allegations of discrimination at work. Policies for people who help build our company can be seen at the following link People Policy.

Diversity and Inclusion Charter

We have a Diversity and Inclusion Charter which contains the company's five commitments to diversity and inclusiveness. We also promote employee awareness of gender equality and diversity through programs for leaders. During 2022, PT Vale has conducted one training related to diversity and inclusivity which has been attended by 711 participants.

We are implementing an initiative to increase the number of female employees to 18% by 2030. In line with the Human Rights Principles in the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework, we are implementing policies and practices to respect the rights and interests of women in supporting the successful participation of women in the workplace.

We also comply with labor regulations regarding the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) which was drawn up and mutually agreed upon on 23 February 2022 by the company and employees. The formulation and negotiation of the 19th PKB involved three labor unions at PT Vale, namely the Energy, Mining, Oil, Gas and General Chemical Workers Union (SPKEP), the United Vale Indonesia Workers Union (SPBVI), and the Mining and Energy Federation - All Indonesian Confederation of Trade Unions (FPE-KSBSI). Meanwhile, the agreement for foreign workers (expatriates) refers to the Senior Management Book.

In 2022 we have made a number of improvements in the 19th PKB, including increased wages, health insurance, safety and several benefit components. For PT Vale, worker welfare and career development are the main aspects of the company's business management, without neglecting the safety and health of its employees.

Career Development Opportunity

We believe that employee competence is directly proportional to every company's best achievement. The Company always opens wide opportunities for every employee and contractor in developing their career, taking into account the results of the performance appraisal conducted for all (100%) employees.

Employee competency training and development is managed by the People & Culture Department, and is carried out according to the company's needs and development plans by involving superiors and all employees. We improve employee competency through various training programs, coaching, mentoring and on-the-job training.

We have enrolled several employees in the Engineering Education Study Program (PPI) at several universities including Hasanudin University. PT Vale facilitates and encourages these employees to take the Professional Engineer Certification (SIP) and Engineer Registration Certificate conducted by the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). PT Vale has also established the Sorowako Technical Academy which has graduated 1,516 people.

In addition to competency development, PT Vale has also gradually provided managerial capability improvements, particularly for local talents. In 2022, we have provided training to supervisors and local talents to advance to managerial level. Supervisor training has been held in five batches throughout 2022 and were attended by 100 supervisors.

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During 2022, the total training hours reached 117,360 hours, with a total of 2,934 employees participating, consisting of 2,678 or 91.28% male, and 256 or 8.72% female. The average hours of training to total employees is 40 hours.

For employees who are about to retire, PT Vale organizes special training to help support their welfare after retirement, both by being self-employed and doing other jobs. In the reporting period, there were 49 employees who attended special training, with material covering health, psychology and entrepreneurship.

Throughout 2022, the total cost invested in employee training has reached US$809,450, an increase of 10% from 2021 of US$737,872. Total training hours in 2022 have reached 63,071 hours, reduced by 48% from 2021 of 121,781 hours. The total number of workers participating in the training was 7,665 people, up 7.2% from 2021 of 7,149 people.

The employee competency development that we have carried out is supported by the existence of training centers and Professional Certification Institutions (LSP). As of the end of 2022, LSP has registered 326 competency standard units and has obtained authorization to certify 64 employee Position Cluster Schemes for 326 competency standard units.

PT Vale's LSP is supported by 180 Competency Assessors certified by the National Professional Certificate Agency (BNSP). Overall, by 2022, LSP has carried out professional certification for 243 workers, or 21.2% of the target of 1,148 workers. Thus, by the end of 2022, the number of our employees who have received LSP professional certification has reached 243 people or 21.2% of the total non-staff employees.

They work in the fields of heavy equipment maintenance mechanics, electrical technicians, instrumentation, factory maintenance mechanics, warehousing officers, firefighters, heavy equipment operators, nickel smelter operators and utility operators.


We provide equal remuneration for male and female employees, with a ratio of 1:1. The total amount of compensation for work services also takes into account the provision of allowances and placement incentives at mining operation locations in Sorowako, Bahodopi and Pomalaa. In general, the lowest remuneration for PT Vale employees in 2022 is still 114% higher than the minimum wage provisions that apply in East Luwu Regency.

Some of the benefits/incentives given to employees are Religious Allowances, Child Education Allowances, BPJS Benefits, Residence, and Maternity Leave. PT Vale provides 120 calendar days maternity leave for female employees who are about to give birth, as well as 2 calendar days (on site) and 3 calendar days (off site) for male employees who will accompany their wives to give birth.

Foto: Vale Indonesia

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