Who we are
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Who we are
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
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What we do
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What we do
We extract ore and transport it through a a complete logistics chain, which includes railroads and ports. In our activity, we prioritize the safety of people and the environment, acting with respect, care and integrity.
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Access the page Mining
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Iron ore is present in the solutions that transform people's lives, contributing to the evolution of society. Today we are the largest producer of iron ore and nickel in the world, in addition to operating in other segments. Come and discover each product and its curiosities.
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Where are we
Access the page Brazil
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Click on the states below to learn more about our performance in each location.
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Our people
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Our people
People are at the center of our decisions. We value individual talent and seek to be more diverse and inclusive, acting with respect and practicing open dialogue.
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Access the page Proud to be Vale
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Proud to be Vale
We are made by people and for people. With each job done, we receive a new opportunity to transform our work environment and the world we live in. Get to know our action fronts.
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Access the page Opportunities for professionals
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Opportunities for professionals
Our recruitment process has been changing and is in line with the cultural transformation we are going through. Access the job vacancies portal and come be part of this history.
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Opportunities for students
Have you ever thought about starting your professional life at a company that invests in people and in a transparent and inclusive work environment? Get to know our Internship and Professional Training Program.
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We work with transparency for those who already invest with us or are thinking of becoming part of our investor base. Access documents, quotes, and key indicators of our business.
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Information to the market
Follow our events calendar, access documents and the main Vale’s financial reports.
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We believe that business partners are essential to live our purpose, to improve life and transform the future - together. Learn about our guidelines to be part of our supply chain.
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I'm a Supplier (Brazil only)
We seek to work with a chain of suppliers that contribute to a more ethical and fairer society. Our relationships are based on honesty, dialogue and transparency. Learn more about our materials and services.
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Our Future
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Our Future
We want to transform the future. For this reason, we are already working with local communities and different sectors of society with the aim of leaving a positive social, economic, cultural and environmental legacy. Discover our initiatives.
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Access the page Culture
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We believe that living the culture makes it possible for people to expand their knowledge and create new perspectives for the future. In this regard, for over two decades Vale has invested in and fostered the multiple Brazilian cultural manifestations.
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Access the page Sustainability
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We think, dialogue, design and build, together, a future for mining and for the planet, while taking care of the present. Learn more about our commitments to sustainability.
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Access the page Innovation
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Innovation is one of the main pillars for achieving our purpose. We use technology to redesign our ways of working. Learn how.
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We will never forget Brumadinho. We have learned from our history and we are committed to the full reparation of the communities and people impacted by the dam collapse, in accordance with the signed legal agreement.
Access the page Reparation
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Our Sudbury Operations have been in operation for more than 100 years.
Check out our Journey Together Report to learn more.
If you have any questions or concerns about Vale’s Sudbury Operations
Vale's Archive
Our Community
Clean ERA Project
Vale has completed its CAD $1 billion Clean AER (Atmospheric Emissions Reduction) Project. The Project, which began construction in 2012, has reduced SO2 emissions from Vale's Copper Cliff Smelter by 85% and metals particulate emissions by 40% from previous levels.
These emission reductions reflect how far we have come both as a company and a community in terms of environmental stewardship and regreening our local landscape. In fact, the Clean AER Project reduced emissions so significantly that our iconic Superstack was no longer required and the construction of two smaller and more efficient stacks were commissioned. The steel liners of the new stacks were installed in 2019, allowing for the Superstack to be decommissioned in 2020. With the completion of the Clean AER Project, the natural gas burners in the Superstack were turned off resulting in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the Smelter by 40%.
The Clean AER project included the installation of converters in the Smelter, a Wet Gas Cleaning Plant and a Secondary Baghouse and Fan building.
Want to learn more?
Watch the Clean AER Project video
Clean AER Infographic
At Vale, we are committed to environmental sustainability.
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Vale Reclamation Efforts
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring Team
Representatives from Vale, citizens from the community, and an official from the Ministry of the Environment meet regularly as part of an Environmental Monitoring Team.Established as part of the Ministry of the Environment’s Site-Specific Air Standard Approval for Nickel and Environmental Compliance Approval for Vale’s Copper Cliff Smelter, the team meets twice a year to review progress and activities.
See our most recent action plan progress reports and updates, below, as well as quarterly results from 24-hour average ambient concentration measurements of total suspended particulate, nickel, cobalt, other metals and sulfur dioxide.
Living with Lakes
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