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Control and Management of Dams

Reclassification of Pontal and 5-MAC dam systems

​Considering the current regulations of the National Mining Agency (ANM), in July 2021, a registration adjustment was made for the Pontal System, at the Cauê mine, Itabira Complex, in Itabira (MG), and for the System 5-MAC, at the Águas Claras mine, in Nova Lima (MG), with the alteration of the construction method of these structures in the ANM's Integrated Management System for Mining Dams (SIGBM).
Although the main dams (Pontal and 5-MAC) have a downstream construction method, it was necessary to adjust the classification of both as upstream, since the internal dikes 2, 3, 4, 5 and the saddle dikes Cordão Nova Vista and Minervino, for Pontal, and the Auxiliar dike, for  5-MAC, have an upstream construction method.
It is noteworthy that the systems did not undergo any change in their stability and safety conditions, with the registration adjustment being a formality. The structures in question were already part of Vale's Upstream Dam Decharacterization Plan and are permanently monitored by the Geotechnical Monitoring Center.
The registration adjustment does not imply new legal obligations. Once the decharacterization process is concluded, the Pontal and 5-MAC Systems must have their construction method records reclassified as downstream, as per their projects.

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