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Control and Management of Dams

Reduction of the emergency level of the Doutor Dam

The Doutor dam, at the Timbopeba mine, in Ouro Preto (MG), had its emergency level reduced from 2 to 1, on May 18, 2021. The change, which reflects the increased safety and stability of the structure, is a result of a series of actions that have been carried out by Vale in recent months. Among them, geotechnical investigations, maintenance of pumping to reduce the water level in the reservoir and improvement works on the left abutment, one of the sides of the dam. These actions were monitored and certified by the responsible technical consultancy.
The reduction in the level of emergency was filed with the competent bodies, according to guidelines established in the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM) and by the Brazilian legislation, and reported to the National Mining Agency (ANM) and to the technical audit supporting the Minas Gerais Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPMG).
Despite the increased safety for the community of Antônio Pereira and Vila Residencial Antônio Pereira, families that have been removed from the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the Doutor dam will remain preventively relocated until the structure's decharacterization process is completed.
The Doutor dam is monitored 24 hours a day by the Geotechnical Monitoring Center (CMG) and is regularly inspected by internal and external teams. Vale will continue to act in compliance with the best international engineering practices, focusing on the safety of the people who work and live close to the structure.


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