I'm a Supplier

Discover our main documents

Parceria + Segura: Supplier Awards and Recognition
Vale strengthens one of its main values: Putting Life First.

Together for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Vale reaffirms its commitment to employees and partners in search of a more diverse, collaborative and innovative environment.
Learn more about our initiatives
I'm a Supplier
Life matters most and we count on our partners to act with safety and integrity, creating the transformation we desire.
We seek to work with a chain of suppliers that contribute to a more ethical and fairer society. Our relationships are based on honesty, dialogue and transparency, seeking to contribute positively to the environment and the socioeconomic development of the regions where we operate.

Information about materials and services
Access here the guidelines on processes and systems available to our suppliers:

Registration of suppliers

Receipt and return of quotes and orders (Portal Nimbi)

Treatment of discrepancy in Invoice requests

Issuance of invoices

Request for advance payments

Payment inquiry

Collection Request

Delivery scheduling

Mobilization and Demobilization

Execution and Measurement of Services

Photo: Ricardo Teles
Grow and evolve together
Sustainable performance is one of the pillars that guide Vale's operations.
The Partilhar Program aims to promote the sustainable development of the regions where Vale operates, joining forces with its supply chain.

Zero Carbon
Attentive to all the current urgencies on the planet, we are reinforcing our pact with society.

Photo: Ricardo Teles

Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles
Supplier performance assessments
In order to continuously improve the quality and transparency of our relationships with our suppliers, we carry out periodic evaluations of their performance.
The Supplier Performance Index (IDF) is the methodology we use to evaluate the performance of our service providers. Find out more in Mobilization and Demobilization of Suppliers.
On Time In Full (OTIF) is the indicator we use to measure the performance of deliveries by our suppliers of goods. It compares the quantities delivered and requested, as well as the delivery times. Click here to download our OTIF Guide for Suppliers.

We want to hear from our suppliers!
Use Vale's service channels to share your doubts, critics and suggestions.