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Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park

Our Investment to Maintain Biodiversity

Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park, development of PT Vale's Modern Nursery. Explore this page to get information on how the Biodiversity Park is being a facility for education, recreation and science tourism.

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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park


Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park is located in the Sorowako Site, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.

Operational Hours

Operates every Saturday from 07.00 AM - 17.00 PM  and is open to the general public.

See our Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park

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Taman Kehati PT Vale takes the name Sawerigading, the grandson of Batara Guru, the ruler of the Earth according to the La Galigo epic. Meanwhile, Wallacea is a line that indicates biodiversity in Indonesia.
  • 15 Ha managed area, 60 Ha development area.
  • Integrated with the Central Nursery (nursery) facility with a capacity of 750 thousand seedlings per year.
  • Seedlings from these facilities are essential for revegetation.
  • Home to 28 deer, 10 of which have been released.
  • Endemic butterfly breeding facilities will be built.
  • Has a wooden house facility and a DOJO (training center) for activities related to the environment.
  • Has an Arboretum with a collection of 74 local and endemic tree species.
  • Seeds from the Arboretum have been donated to various regions through a number of greening activities organized by the company.

Foto: Vale Indonesia

Taman Kehati PT Vale mengambil nama Sawerigading, cucu dari Batara Guru, sang penguasa Bumi menurut epos La Galigo. Sedangkan, Wallacea adalah garis yang mengindikasikan keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia.

Fotógrafo: xxxx

Learn more about the rules for using Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park

To ensure that Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park is the best place, all visitors must follow some rules of coexistence. Check it out bellow:

Foto: Vale Indonesia

Please bring your own bottle / tumbler
Children visitors must be under parents supervision at all times
Visitors must wear closed-toe shoes and long pants
Maintain cleanliness by disposing of trash in the bins provided.
Damaging the existing facilities in the nursery area
Feeding the deer without permission
Picking / stepping on / damaging plants around the park and seedlings in the nursery production area
Climbing up the equipment displays in the mine park area
Entering the greenhouse area
Using open-toe shoes
Fising in the fish pond
Bitten by a snake
Stung by a wasp / bee
Slipped on the slippery floor
Drowned in fish ponds and ditches
Struck by a fallen tree

Our gallery

Since 2006, PT Vale has operated a modern nursery facility with an annual production capacity of up to 700,000 seedlings. This facility produces plants used for reclamation areas and land rehabilitation, as well as ornamental plants for company facilities.

Through this nursery facility, PT Vale implements its commitment to protect biodiversity, through breeding local plants and endemic plants. PT Vale's nursery facilities are equipped with:
  • Growing media handling area (preparation house)
  • Greenhouse which includes the germination house and cutting house
  • Shade area (shade area)
  • Open area
  • Warehouse infrastructure
  • Supporting facilities for the Vle Indonesia Nursery Information System (NISVI)
This park displays heavy equipments used for mining activities at PT Vale Indonesia. This park is located in a shady area, and adjacent to the arboretum. There are eight heavy equipments used for nickel ore mining, which are displayed as educational vehicles for visitors, namely 1. Haul Master, Dump Truck, Front Shovel, Telehandler, Backhoe loader, Mobile Grader, Excavator, Bulldozer D8.
Located in an area of 5 hectares. The arboretum is a means of ex-situ conservation of more than 74 local and endemic tree species from mined forests.

This facility is our collaboration with Unhas, IPB, and the Forestry Service of East Luwu Regency and South Sulawesi Province.
This area existed before the development of the Kehati Park was inaugurated. This breeding facility is our collaboration with the Sulselbar Natural Resources Conservation Center (KSDA).

In this 2-hectare area, we breed deer that breed naturally.

Until March 2023, there were 28 deer occupying the captivity. As many as 10 of them have been released and distributed to other breeding sites by the BKSDA.
This park was created as an artificial habitat for the conservation of various types of butterflies, especially the endemic butterfly Cytosia myrina. The park is also expected to increase the population of butterflies and increase the types of butterflies that live around the Sawerigading Wallacea Biodiversity Park.
As the name implies, this facility is shaped like a wooden house. The Wooden House functions as a meeting area, as well as a gathering point for various activities for visitors from institutions, schools, and company guests.

Apart from that, this facility also functions as a dojo, the Japanese term refereing to the training facility or competition venue.
This park will function as a short distance educational route for visitors. The Showcase Area also functions as the main plaza displaying nickel mineral base rock, and several types of sampling products (slag) processed by PT Vale Indonesia factories. There is also a garden of various types of flowers that can be used for photo spots.