Viva Engage Vale

What is the Viva Engage corporate social network?
Viva Engage is a space for the people who make our company. As part of the Cultural Transformation we are building, we want Viva Engage to be a space dedicated to conversation and sharing ideas.

Learn more about
Viva Engage

Here you will learn how to use Yammer and discover all the possibilities of the network. Shall we start?

Viva Engage or Teams?
Know the difference between the tools and understand the vocation of our corporate social network.

Viva Engage
Large scale communication
Occasional and sporadic cooperation
Organizational reach, communities of mutual interests and democratization of knowledge
Easily shared
Ideal for referencing content, not for cooperation
Very easily transferred
In well-managed groups, newly added users can easily find what they need

Cooperation and productivity Individually targeted communication or in smaller groups
Workgroups, departments, teams and projects
Very easily shared
Information is shared with a specific group of people, in various formats and methods, such as shared library, notepads, chat, or application integration
Easily transferred
Changing membership has no impact on content availability. Newly added members have access to shared conversations and files shared from the start

Large scale communication. Occasional and sporadic cooperation
Organizational reach, communities of mutual interests and democratization of knowledge
Sharing Information
Easily shared
Ideal for referencing content, not for cooperation
Very easily transferred
In well-managed groups, newly added users can easily find what they need

Cooperation and productivity Individually targeted communication or in smaller groups
Workgroups, departments, teams and projects
Sharing Information
Very easily shared
Information is shared with a specific group of people, in various formats and methods, such as shared library, notepads, chat, or application integration
Easily transferred
Changing membership has no impact on content availability. Newly added members have access to shared conversations and files shared from the start

How to access?
E-mail, browser, Teams or app? Discover the different ways to access Viva Engage and choose your favorite.
How to log in?
How to create my profile?
How to log in?
How to create my profile?

How to publish?
Now you are a content producer and information protagonist. Find out how to publish and explore all of Viva Engage's formats and possibilities.

Posting Types
Posting Types

How to interact?
There are several ways to interact, see how you can engage with the contents of our corporate social network.




Posting Types

What are communities?

Foto: Arquivo Vale

Live streams on Viva Engage
Our live streams happen on Viva Engage! Learn how to follow events and see how to participate in discussions- before, during or even after the broadcast.

On Viva Engage, go to the community where the broadcast is happening, click the Eventos [Events] tab and select what you want to watch. You will be directed to the event page.

Time to contribute! Each event hosted on Viva Engage has its own page, with a unique feed for broadcast-related topics. Access before the event to leave your questions, during the broadcast to chat in real time, or after the event to make your comments.

What can I talk about?
Viva Engage is our own space, dedicated to conversations and sharing ideas. Understand how to use this tool in the best way!
Share information. Recommend articles, texts, videos – any content related to our topics of interest. Add value to discussions and stimulate reflection.
Share your #PrideOfBeingVale. Compliment your colleagues and show your pride of being part of our company.
Show that we are #TogetherToTransform. Talk about our Cultural Transformation, your learnings and what you are doing to fulfill our Purpose.
Do not expose people or situations. Assess whether the content you want to post is not harmful to the reputation of your colleagues, company, customers or suppliers. Use appropriate channels to address internal issues.
Respect. Your opinion is important, but it should not be expressed through insults, foul language or incitement to violence. We are intolerant of any kind of discrimination.
You are what you post. Use common sense and assess whether or not your content may damage your professional image.
Avoid Fake News. Please, make sure that all information is correct before posting it. Give preference to reliable sources, always read the entire article, check the publication date and the author of the report. If you still have questions, look for news checking sites.

Set Viva Engage notifications
Turn on notifications and stay on top of everything that happens on the network.




Useful links