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Vale confirms receipt of nomination for candidates for the Fiscal Council

Vale confirms that on March 17, 2025, it has received from the shareholders Franklin Templeton Investments¹, Argucia Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda.², and Capstone Partners Gestão de Recursos Ltda.³, the nomination of 1 (one) candidate and his respective alternate member for the Fiscal Council’s composition for the 2025-2026 term, as mentioned below and as already reflected in the Distance Voting Ballot:

Nominee for effective member

Nominee for alternate member

Aristoteles Nogueira Filho

Leda Maria Deiro Hahn 

Vale clarifies that the aforementioned nominations have already been included in the Management Proposal and the Distance Voting Ballot since March 17, 2025, the date on which the Company convened the Meetings, according to the documents available here.

The nominations and required information are disclosed in the form received by the Company and disclosed to the market in the Management Proposal, and are attached to this communication.

The Fiscal Council is a permanent body established in Vale’s Bylaws and provided for in Brazilian Corporate Law, which independently oversees the actions of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. It comprises 3 to 5 full members and an equal number of alternates, nominated by shareholders and submitted to election at the Annual General Meeting each year. The Fiscal Council is responsible, in particular, for verifying compliance with statutory and legal duties, including reviewing the Financial Statements, issuing an opinion on the Management Report, and on proposals by the management bodies submitted to the General Meeting regarding changes to the share capital, issuance of debentures or subscription bonuses, investment plans or budgets, among other duties. To learn more about the body, please see the Vale’s Bylaws (available here), the Fiscal Council’s Internal Regulations (available here), and the Proxy Statement and the Management Proposal for the Meetings (available here).

Marcelo Feriozzi Bacci
Executive Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations 

¹ As the manager of the following investment funds: Franklin Emerging Markets Core Equi; Franklin Fund Allocator Series; Franklin Templeton Investment Funds; Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance; Templeton Developing Markets Trust; Templeton Emerging Markets Fund; Templeton Emerging Markets Fund (US); Templeton Emerging Markets Investment. ² As the manager of the following investment funds: Argucia Income Fundo de Investimentos em Ações – BDR Nível 1 and Sparta Fundo de Investimentos em Ações – BDR Nível 1. ³ As the manager of the following investment fund Capstone Macro Master Fundo de Investimento Multimercado.


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