
menu-img-alt vale-wave
Photo: Rogério Reis / Tyba
Photographer: Rogério Reis / Tyba

Vale believes in the transforming power of culture and knowledge.

Therefore, with its own funds and through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, it sponsors technical-scientific and cultural initiatives, in addition to promoting public notices and training new bidders and cultural agents.

Cultural projects 

Public call for bid from Vale Cultural Institute receive sponsorship proposals for cultural projects with fundraising via the Federal Culture Incentive Law. 

The public notices for museums and cultural spaces created and kept by Vale aim at the selection of programming projects and occupation of these spaces. 

In addition to public calls and notices for our cultural spaces, we receive sponsorship proposals via direct choice through Vale's online sponsorship platform. Through the platform, cultural projects and initiatives not covered by the Federal Cultural Incentive Law can be registered.  

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Technical-institutional projects

Proposals for sponsoring projects and partnerships of a technical nature, aimed at the theoretical and practical development of knowledge in Vale's areas of operation, are selected via direct selection. Among the topics of institutional interest, the environment, mining, logistics, engineering and sustainability stand out.

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Capacitation in formatting cultural projects

Vale prepared a learning journey to support cultural producers in the formatting of their projects. Online training includes guidelines for registering projects in the National Culture Support Program (Pronac), with a view to fundraising via the Federal Culture Incentive Law. Structured in five modules with video lessons, the material has a manual for the preparation and management of projects.
Manual for the Development and Management of Cultural Projects for the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture.
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer: Marcelo Coelho
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Concepts and assumptions for the preparation of projects within the scope of the Federal Cultural Incentive Law

It is essential to know all the legislation that governs PRONAC to register a project.  
This knowledge will be important for a good execution of the proposed action and will allow the presentation of a clear and honest accountability, which proves the honest and transparent use of funds. 
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The Salic system – what it is, how to register and how to register a project

The Support System for Cultural Incentive Laws (Salic) is a digital platform, available on the website of the Federal Government's Special Office for Culture. Salic is the main management tool for the presentation, execution, monitoring and accountability of all projects that intend to use the funds raised through the Federal Law for Incentive to Culture.
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Project preparation - technical planning

There are many ways to present the technical information of a cultural project, but in Salic they are organized in a very specific way. Some fields in the system are quite similar and require attention so that information is entered correctly.
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Project preparation - budget

The preparation of the budget to make up a cultural proposal involves a number of details that require adequate planning, with the forecast, as far as possible, of all the items required to carry out the project. Knowledge of legislation and attention when building the budget in Salic are essential.  
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Execution, management and accountability

The management of a project financed through the incentive law requires that the bidder be aware of the legislation and pay attention to changes that may occur throughout its execution to ensure compliance with the accountability. 

Find out how to submit your project

Both cultural projects able to raise funds via the incentive law and those that do not receive an incentive, whether in the cultural or technical-institutional area, must be registered through the online sponsorship platform. 

Photo: Instituto Cultural Vale

Check out some guidelines for project registration

  • Only legal entities can submit projects, with a limit of three projects per bidder.
  • The projects should be carried out, as a priority, in the states of Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará and Rio de Janeiro.
  • The project analysis period is approximately 60 days and its effectiveness will depend on the availability of funds when the analysis is completed.
  • Cultural projects with a start date of less than six months, counting from the date of registration, are not accepted and, in the case of projects that have several stages, such as itinerant actions, the analysis takes into account the deadline for carrying out the specific stage that may receive sponsorship from Vale.
  • The platform for receiving proposals for sponsorship from Vale is intended to create a project bank in line with the company's guidelines. Submitting the project does not ensure its selection or contracting.

Cultural spaces and festivities 

We also sponsor projects aimed at programming the cultural spaces of the Vale Cultural Institute and events of the Vale Cultural Calendar. Discover the cultural spaces, projects and festivities sponsored by Vale: 

Memorial Minas Gerais Vale - MG

Its vocation is to value the history and traditions of Minas Gerais, its artistic manifestations and contemporary expressions, proposing the exchange between past and present and reflection on the future.

Vale Museum - ES

Created to preserve the history of the construction of the Vitória a Minas Railroad, the Vale Museum combines culture and education by promoting contemporary art shows and educational activities to integrate the community and form new audiences. 

Casa da Cultura de Canaã dos Carajás - PA

It plays the role of maintaining and recording the historical collection of the municipality and cultural diffuser in the region, promoting cultural activities, artistic training projects in different languages, such as classical ballet, singing, guitar, recorder, children's musicalization and traditional percussion from Pará. 

Vale Cultural Center Maranhã - MA

Diversity and freedom: expanding access to cultural activities and goods, providing environments for exchange, creation and training that are diverse and for everyone.