Corporate Governance Policy
Corporate Governance Policy
The Company has implemented the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Public Companies that includes 5 aspects, 8 principles, and 25 recommendations as set forth in POJK No.21/POJK.04/2015 regarding Implementation of the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Public Companies and OJK Circular Letter No. 32/ SEOJK.04/2015 on Corporate Governance for Public Companies.
The Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation improvement is conducted by adopting changes to the prevailing laws and regulations as well as best practices on charters, norms, internal policies, standard operating procedures and business processes.
Alignment is required to support the Company in achieving the 2030 Vale Global Commitment as sustainable operator, local development catalyst and global sustainability agency, in order to support the Sustainable Development Growth agenda 2030.
Photo: Marcelo Coelho