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Relevant communications

Important facts for our shareholders, such as the disclosure of performance reports, purchase and sale of shares and assets, in addition to international certifications, can be accessed through our newsletters that are published periodically.
Photo of a huge truck with big wheels filled with dirt in an operation area.

Quarterly reports

Every three months, we publish reports with our operational information and financial indicators. The information is based on consolidated figures in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).
Photo with large iron structures and rail at the top with a train passing and big vegetation around

Relevant communications

Important facts for our shareholders, such as the disclosure of performance reports, purchase and sale of shares and assets, in addition to international certifications, can be accessed through our newsletters that are published periodically.

Quarterly reports

Every three months, we publish reports with our operational information and financial indicators. The information is based on consolidated figures in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

Annual reports

Our annual documents are available to everyone. Learn more about each of our annual reports. Investors can receive a printed copy of our complete audited financial statements, free of charge, by calling our ADR depositary, Citibank N.A., at +1-877-248-4237 (1-877-CITIADR).

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Financial statements

The quarterly income of Vale and our subsidiaries and affiliates can be found here. Documents filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission are also available. Investors can receive a printed copy of our complete audited financial statements, free of charge, by calling our ADR depositary, Citibank N.A., at +1-877-248-4237 (1-877-CITIADR).

Photographer: Ricardo Teles


Subsidiaries and Minority Interest

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In this section, investors will be able to access all the presentations made by our executives.

Photographer: Ricardo Teles


CVM documents