Health & Safety
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The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department is responsible for establishing policies and technical guidelines on safety and risk management. This department is independent and complementary to our geotechnical risk management team.
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We also have emergency response policies and procedures aligned with the industry’s best practices and specific requirements. Applicable to all units, these requirements have been based on internationally recognized practices developed by organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Tools such as the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), for instance, have been utilized.
The new standard:
- Establishes common emergency response procedures across business units;
- Outlines emergency response plans and procedures addressing plausible real-world scenarios;
- Establishes minimum training requirements for all individuals with identified roles and responsibilities in emergency response procedures and plans;
- Establishes training programs;
- Sets aside funding for emergency response plans and procedures;
- Tasks business units with developing and coordinating emergency response, crisis management and business continuity plans, working with local authorities and communities.
Management model
VPS Management Framework (Vale Production System):
² Leadership: Set of leadership practices expected to reinforce key behaviors and shape organizational culture and discipline.
³ Management: Routines, methodologies and management tools structured to sustain and improve results.
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Our health and safety strategy is built upon three pillars:
Our motto: all accidents are preventable
Preventing injuries and chronic illnesses
Preventing fatalities
Preventing catastrophic accidents
Targets, Indicators and Performance
*The category L1 - Life-Changing Injuries refers to work-related injuries or illnesses resulting in a set of significant and permanent impacts that are demonstrated to have been caused by work-related activities, and which result in permanent disability.
Our targets
Safety Indicator
Baseline | Target | Exceptional Performance |
Risk indicator
Baseline | Target | Exceptional Performance |
The Critical Control meets performance goals in ≥85% of cases
The Critical Control meets performance goals in ≥90% of cases
The Critical Control meets performance goals in ≥95% of cases
Our Performance
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)1
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)1
Learn more