Contact us
Get to know our listening channels and talk to us whenever you need to!
Our aim is to listen to you! Whether it's a question, suggestion, request or complaint, we want you to feel free to share your impressions with us.
We have several listening channels available, each designed for different situations, but all with the same commitment to listening to what you have to say. Find out which one best suits your needs and get in touch!
Learn about our Listening Channels in Brazil
A channel dedicated to those who live in the areas where we operate. We are always ready to listen to you on issues involving community relations, freight trains and passenger trains, whether emergency or not.
Contact us:
0800 285 7000
0800 021 9934 (for the hearing impaired)
Contact us:
0800 285 7000
0800 021 9934 (for the hearing impaired)
Those who live in the areas where we operate also have the option of contacting Vale online via cell phone or computer. You will be able to follow the progress of your complaints and will receive notifications by e-mail.
Access now (
Access now (
You can also share your suggestions, compliments, complaints, requests or clarify your doubts through this channel by filling in an online form. We are here to listen to you and will be in touch shortly. Temporarily, replies will be sent by SMS or message to the cell phone number you have registered. Access now to send your question or follow the progress of your protocol.
If you have any questions about the Brumadinho dam collapse, please call 0800 031 0831.
Whistleblower Channel
The Vale Whistleblower Channel can be used by anyone, whether inside or outside the company, who wishes to report a suspected or actual violation of our Code of Conduct.
Access the Whistleblower Channel now.
Learn about our Listening Channels in Brazil
Fale Conosco #DoSeuJeito
A última Pesquisa de Sustentabilidade realizada pela Vale, revelou que muitas pessoas não conhecem os nossos canais de contato, que são essenciais para a comunicação e atendimento das necessidades das comunidades.
Por isso, criamos um espaço especializado para que você possa tirar suas dúvidas e consultar todos os nossos canais de contato.
Por isso, criamos um espaço especializado para que você possa tirar suas dúvidas e consultar todos os nossos canais de contato.
Want to send a question or consult protocols?
Fill out the form below.
People Administrative Services
This is Vale’s channel for its employess, former employees and pensioners. Consult below for orientations about our processes and tools.
You can count on us!
Do you want to talk to Human Resources?
We are here to support you at every stage of your journey at Vale. If you have questions about career opportunities, benefits, or any other HR-related issue, we're ready to help.
Our commitment is to ensure that all employees feel valued and well informed.
Our commitment is to ensure that all employees feel valued and well informed.
How to make a request
So that we can guide you in the best way, please select one of the options below, indicating your current relationship with Vale.
Former employee
Whistleblower Channel
Vale is committed to acting with ethics and integrity, always practicing active listening. That's why we have our Listening Channels.
However, if anyone, inside or outside the company, who wants to report a case of suspicion or ethical misconduct, should use Vale's Whistleblower Channel. The channel is an exclusive tool for this purpose, structured to ensure absolute confidentiality, protecting the anonymity of the whistleblower and preserving the information so that a fair investigation can occur. The Whistleblower Channel guarantees all the conditions for a report to be independently verified. Under no circumstances will there be any breach of confidentiality, intimidation or retaliation against the whistleblower.
However, if anyone, inside or outside the company, who wants to report a case of suspicion or ethical misconduct, should use Vale's Whistleblower Channel. The channel is an exclusive tool for this purpose, structured to ensure absolute confidentiality, protecting the anonymity of the whistleblower and preserving the information so that a fair investigation can occur. The Whistleblower Channel guarantees all the conditions for a report to be independently verified. Under no circumstances will there be any breach of confidentiality, intimidation or retaliation against the whistleblower.