
Karyawan Vale tersenyum di lanskap hijau. Dia mengenakan seragam Vale
hijau, kacamata, helm, dan penutup telinga. Artefak gelombang visual Vale
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Photographer: Marcelo Coelho
Photographer: Ricardo Teles

We are here to improve life and transform the future. Together.

This is the purpose that has guided our daily work to transform the mining industry and be part of building a new tomorrow. After all, Vale knows that its role goes far beyond mining. 

Sustainability is one of the levers of our business.

It is part of the way we act to reach our purpose. We think, dialogue, design and build, together, a future for mining and for the planet, while taking care of the present. 

We Transform Together. 

Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Our Commitments

In the pursuit to integrate sustainability into its business, Vale has established several global sustainability commitments linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda and in line with global trends. 
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Greenhouse Gases

  • Reduce emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 33% by 2030 and carbon neutral by 2050;
  • Reduce net emissions (scope 3) by 15% by 2035.

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  • 100% renewable in Brazil (2025), globally (2030);
  • Improve 5% of the global energy efficiency indicator in relation to the baseline of 2017 to 2030.

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Atmospheric emissions 

  • Reduce Particulate Material (PM) emissions by 16% by 2030;
  • Reduce Sulfur Oxide emissions by 16% by 2030;
  • Reduce Nitrogen Oxides by 10% by 2030.



  • Eliminate dams in critical safety condition (level 3) by 2025;
  • Implementation of the Global Standard for Dam Management: 90% adherence (2022): 100% for very critical structures (2023); and 100% for other structures (2025);
  • De-characterize all dams built using the upstream raising method by 2035.

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Social Ambition

  • Lift 500,000 people out of extreme poverty;
  • Neighboring Indigenous Communities with UNDRIP rights plans;
  • To appear in the TOP 3 in the social requirements of the main evaluations.

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ESG gaps

  • Eliminate key ESG gaps in relation to best practices - 63 GAPs mapped.


Diversity & Inclusion

  • 26% representation of women in the workforce (2025) and 20% of representativeness in leadership positions (2030);
  • 40% of leadership positions in Brazil held by black employees in 2026.

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  • Recover and protect 500,000 ha by 2030.



  • Reduce the specific use of fresh water (m³ new water/t production unit) by 27% in our operations by 2030.


Health and Safety 

  • Zero the number of recordable high potential injuries (N2) by 2025;
  • Reduce exposures to harmful agents to health in the work environment by 2025.

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On the ESG Portal you can learn more about our commitments, strategies and actions related to sustainability at Vale.


At Vale, concern for the environment is present in all our projects and operations around the world.

We also signed international agreements to preserve climate balance and work with strict goals for the coming years.

Photographer: Ricardo Teles


Vale maintains the management of its dams in line with the best and most rigorous international practices, integrated with society's movements and updated with respect to advances in legislation.

Therefore, we intensified the frequency of monitoring our structures and the assessment of their conservation status. The use of new technologies is also worth mentioning. 

Photographer: Ricardo Teles