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Vale announces an update on the Dam 1 breach in Brumadinho and the support offered to the local population

Vale’s teams have been working continuously, along with the Fire and Civil Defense Corps, in support of the rescue efforts of those affected

Vale’s teams have been working continuously, along with the Fire and Civil Defense Corps, in support of the rescue efforts of those affected. The company has provided 40 ambulances, 800 beds and a helicopter to support the rescue, in addition to drinking water for the community. Since the breach, Vale has opened Help Centers to help attend those affected. In these locations, the company's employees and volunteers are working to provide service, emotional support and identification.

The Civil Defense announced that people of the affected areas have not yet returned to their homes and that they should go to the Help Centers, with priority being the Estação Conhecimento (Knowledge Station) in Brumadinho.

Vale’s top priority, at present, is to support the rescue efforts, to help preserve and protect the lives of all employees and members of local communities.

The company is draining Dam 6 with pumps to reduce the amount of water. The monitoring of the structure is being carried out every hour, together with the Civil Defense and the Fire Department. The stability of the structure is being monitored.

Service Channels
Vale has also announced that it has opened a channel to register your interest in providing support to those affected by the dam breach in Brumadinho. The volunteer registration is being made by telephone, using the following numbers: 0800 285 7000 (Hello Railroad - priority) and 0800 821 5000 (Vale Ombudsman).

Using the same numbers, Vale is also receiving information on survivors, reports of missing persons, requests for emergency support (shelter, water, basic food, clothing, medicine, transportation, etc.) and repair.

The actions are led by the Humanitarian Aid Committee, formed by a team of social workers and psychologists who provide care to those affected and their families.

Voluntary donations may be sent to the Córrego do Feijão Community Center (Estr. For Casa Branca, Brumadinho - MG, 35460-000). Non-perishable food, water and cleaning materials should be sent to the 18th Battalion of the PM of Contagem, 2nd Battalion of Fire Service of Contagem, 66th Battalion of the PM of Betim and 5th Battalion of the PM of Gameleira, in Belo Horizonte.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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