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Document issue and other services available at the Help Centers

Vale has mobilized 400 people to assist those affected by the breach of Dam I in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais

Vale has mobilized 400 people to assist those affected by the breach of Dam I in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais.  At the Help Centers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and volunteers are fully dedicated to supporting the community.
So far, more than 10,000 pharmacy items and 2.3 million liters of water were purchased to supply the population.
The issue of civil records such as birth and marriage certificates is available until the next Tuesday (February 5) at the Knowledge Center and the Córrego do Feijão Community Center. Vale will bear all related expenses.
This Sunday (February 3), the Knowledge Center will join a collective effort by the Civil Police in the issuance of duplicate IDs, free of charge. Vale has provided the structure required for the service. The Civil Police will distribute up to 200 service tickets to the population, starting at 8:30 am. Applicants must present the original or certified copy of birth certificate (if single), or original or copy of the marriage certificate. In the future, the service will be offered at another Help Center.
About the Help Centers

One of the main Help Centers is the Knowledge Center, which gathers approximately 80 professionals dedicated to assisting the community. Activities include welcoming and accommodating the families, sorting and distribution of homeless people in hotels, registration of families of missing and deceased people for the R$100,000.00 donation by Vale, distribution of cell phone chips by the Civil Defense to the families, assistance and psychological support, as well as cafeteria and free meals.
Another Service Center set up in the Córrego do Feijão Community Center handles issues such as accommodation of homeless people, transportation for collections scheduled by the Forensic Medicine Facility (Instituto Médico Legal, IML), psychological and social assistance, funeral assistance, among other humanitarian assistance services. Vale also uses the venue to provide pharmacy items, food and water to affected families. This is also one of the venues accepting registration for the R$100,000.00 donation for families of missing or deceased people.
At the Parque da Cachoeira Community Association, it is possible to receive psychological assistance from social workers, in addition to sheltering and transportation.
At the Instituto Médico Legal (forensic medicine facility), Vale set up a structure to offer comfort to the families of victims. General assistance and funeral assistance is also available on site.

Brumadinho Knowledge Center
Rodovia MG 040, KM 49, Área Rural Brumadinho.  Service hours: from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
Córrego do Feijão Community Center
Estr. p/ Casa Branca, Brumadinho.  Service hours: from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
Escola Municipal Carmela Caruso Aluotto
Rua Hum, S/Nº, Prédio Escolar - Casa Branca. Service hours: from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Multi-Sport Gym
Rua Itaguá 1.000, Progresso I, Brumadinho. Service hours: from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Parque da Cachoeira Community Association
Rua Francisco Jorge Diniz, n. 40 - Bairro Parque das Cachoeira - Brumadinho on the corner of São Judas Tadeu street. Service hours: from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
Instituto Médico Legal (IML) BH
Rua Nicias Contentito 1291, Gameleira - Belo Horizonte. Service Hours: from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Intercity Hotel
Av. Amazonas, 7702, Gameleira - Belo Horizonte
Helpline numbers:
0800 031 0831 (Alô Brumadinho)
0800 285 7000 (Alô Ferrovias)
0800 821 5000 (Vale's Ethics and Conduct Office)


Media Relations Office - Vale

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