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- Vale 80 years: discover stories of those who help us write ours
- 80 anos Vale: como chegamos até você
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- PT Vale and PT BNSI Inaugurate the Construction of the Integrated Low Carbon Nickel Mining and Processing Project in Morowali
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- Museu Vale apresenta exposição sobre Leonardo Da Vinci
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- A nova edição do Balanço Vale+ já está disponível!
- 1Q23 Sales and Production report
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- Programa Valorizar premia instituições em 8 municípios
- Nova sede da Escola Municipal Meridional será entregue no começo do segundo semestre
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- TCA Praia de Camburi
- Chamada Instituto Cultural Vale
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- Reorganização de Metais Básicos no Brasil: fornecedores devem ficar atentos aos novos CNPJs
- Circuito Corrida Vale 2024 – Juntos para transformar
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- Vale promove nova edição do Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho
- Prêmio Valor Inovação 2023 elege a Vale como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração
- Bienal das Amazônias reunirá mais de 120 artistas
- Festival Vale Amazônia
- Fluxos para solicitação de reanálise de indenizações por danos à saúde mental em Brumadinho
- Projeto MAC Uso Futuro
- Balanço Vale+: Edição 1º Semestre de 2023
- Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho chega em Ourilândia do Norte e Região
- Indonesia Sustainability Forum 2023
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
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- Vale Day 2023 London, UK
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 2
- Vale Day 2023 London, UK 3
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- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para Fevereiro
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- Projeto Apolo
- Simulado de Segurança de Barragens - Itabira Eixo Norte
- Vale patrocina a Festa da Penha e encanta fiéis com ações especiais
- 1Q24 Production and Sales report
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- Simulado de Segurança de barragens da mina de Águas Claras, em Nova Lima
- Programa Valorizar 2024: Barão de Cocais e Santa Bárbara
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- We are committed to building a better Manjung through impactful social investments
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para julho de 2024
- Nova estrutura da contenção a jusante no Sistema Pontal
- 2Q24 Vale’s Performance
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- Mais segurança: Barragem Sul Superior deixa nível máximo de emergência
- 2024 Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
- Estágio de Nível Superior para Metais Básicos - Exclusivo Pará
- Confira a programação de agosto do Parque Botânico São Luís
- Reserva Natural Vale divulga programação para agosto
- Vale é destaque em eficiência energética em podcast do MIT Technology Review
- Vale ganha o primeiro lugar do Prêmio Valor Inovação 2024 como a mais inovadora do setor de Mineração, Metalurgia e Siderurgia
- Vale abre inscrições para o Programa de Preparação para o Mercado de Trabalho (PPMT) em Canaã dos Carajás
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- Confira a programação de outubro do Parque Botânico Vale
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- Parceria + Segura: Vale promove Evento de Premiação e Reconhecimento de Fornecedores
- Vale abre 20 vagas na área de Tecnologia e Inovação em três estados do Brasil
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In its second season, Receitas da Floresta [Recipes from the Forest] arrives in the Amazon
During the five episodes, chef Kátia Barbosa gets to know the ingredients of one of the largest forests in the world. Alongside chef Thiago Castanho from Pará, they discover the flavors of nature and how communities in Pará and Maranhão make sustainable use of the forest.
Babassu, cupuaçu, Brazil nuts, açaí and jambu are some of the ingredients of this delicious adventure. Check out!
Título do carrossel
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The Jambu Plant. Recipe: Paraense Rice
Rice from Pará
Serving: 4 servings
Preparation time: 1h
- 300g of dried shrimp (soak in water for 8 hours before using)
- 300g white rice
- 600ml of Tucupi
- 60ml of Olive Oil
- 2 Chopped onions
- 5 cloves of garlic, freshly grated
- 5 pieces of Green sweet aromatic pepper
- Salt to taste
- Black pepper to taste
- 6 leaves of Chicory of Pará
- 8 basil leaves
- 1 bunch of Jambu
- ½ bunch of coriander
- 10 pieces of Brazil nut, coarsely chopped
- In an iron pan, add the Olive oil, onion, garlic and sauté well until almost brown
- Add the rice and cook for 2 minutes, stirring it well.
- Add the tucupi, chicory, dried shrimp, basil. Cover and let it cook for 15 minutes on very low heat.
- Open the pan, add the jambu, coriander and Brazil nuts. Cover and let cook for another 5 min. If you like your rice wetter, add a little more tucupi at this point.
- Remove from the heat, drizzle with olive oil and serve hot with a good pepper to go along with it.
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The Açaí Berry. Recipe: Açaí pudding
Açaí pudding
- 250g of sugar
- 4 eggs
- 2 cans of condensed milk
- 790ml açaí
- 2 tablespoons of corn starch
- Add the sugar to a pot and bring to a low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, forming a caramel syrup. Be careful not to make the syrup too dark, since the pudding as a whole is already dark.
- Pour the caramel syrup evenly into a pudding mold by turning it.
- In a blender, place the eggs, the condensed milk, the açaí, and the cornstarch. Beat until the mixture is smooth.
- Add the mixture from the blender to the form that already has the caramel.
- Add water to a larger baking pan and place the pudding pan to bake in a water bath.
- Bake in the oven at 180° for 2 hours (gas oven) or 30 minutes (electric oven).
- After this time, remove from oven and let it cool, refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
- Unmold and serve.
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The Brazil-Nut. Recipe: Brazil nuts cake
Brazil nuts cake
- 1/2 spoon of crushed garlic
- 1 spoon of chopped onion
- 1 spoon olive oil
- 40g of pupunha heart of palm, minced (or processed)
- 40g chestnut flour
- 50g of wheat flour
- 1/4 cup of milk (preferably chestnut)
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- 1 teaspoon of sour starch
- 1/2 cup standard cheese
- 1/4 cup coarsely chopped chestnuts
- Chopped chives to taste
- Mix all the ingredients
Way of doing
Brown the garlic and onion. As soon as the onion softens, add the hearts of palm and sauté for 2 minutes.
Add the milk and chestnut flour and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
Add the wheat flour at once and stir vigorously until it releases itself from the bottom of the pan, complete the cooking for another 5 minutes.
Put the dough to warm and add 1 spoon of sprinkle and work the dough well.
Make small balls and fill them with the filling of your choice (here I filled them with cheese and chopped chestnuts).
Dip the dumplings in wheat flour, then in starch and then in panko flour or breadcrumbs.
Fry by immersion in oil at 180° for 3 min.
Serve with pepper sauce.
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The Cupuassu fruit. Recipe: Cupuaçu dessert
Cupuaçu dessert
- 400g of flour
- 2 cups of milk
- 4 eggs
- 400g of butter
- 200g of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of baking powder
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 1 can of table cream
- 200g of cupuassu
- 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
- 200g of shredded coconut
Way of doing
- In a mixer, pour egg whites and then yolks. Then, add butter and sugar until a homogenous texture is formed.
- Include the sieved flour, slowly add milk until a homogenous texture and fluffy texture is achieved.
- Now, grease the cake pan with margarine and place in the oven for 45 minutes.
- On a pan, include the table cream, the condensed milk and the cornstarch.
- Put the pan on the stove and keep stirring until the mixture begins to thicken.
- Add cupuassu and stir for an additional 5 minutes.
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The Babassu Palm. Recipe: Brazilian country chicken with babassu sauce
Brazilian country chicken with babassu sauce
- 1 kg of Brazilian country chicken, cleaned and cut.
- 500g chopped babassu coconut almonds.
- 1 chopped tomato
- 1 chopped small onion
- 1 crushed garlic clove
- Chopped aromatic chili
- Dry seasoning with black pepper to taste
- Vinegar and salt to taste
- 1 small spoon of coloring
- 1 spoon of tomato extract
- 1 tablespoon of oil.
- Take the chicken and add all the ingredients except the coconut and oil.
- In a heated pan, place the oil, add the chicken and let it sear a little.
- Add water little by little, until the chicken starts to soften. Then take it off the fire.
- In the blender, place 500ml of water and add the chopped coconut.
- After blending it well, strain through the cloth.
- Return the pan to the heat, adding the coconut milk to the chicken and stirring so it doesn't curdle.
- Let it boil until it thickens a little.
Kátia Barbosa
She is one of the main chefs in Brazil. Passionate about national cuisine, the “carioca” (from Rio de Janeiro) brings to the table her experience and experimentation based on popular taste.
Thiago Castanho
One of the main names in Brazilian cuisine. From Pará, he stands out for the dishes that value the local culture and the ingredients of the forest.
Watch the season 1 episodes:“Recipes from the Forest – Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo/Brazil”
Título do carrossel
Chicken recipe called Galinha no brejo with crocante de sapucaia + starter with asparagus of cana-do-brejo
For the chicken
- Thigh with drumstick
- Crushed white garlic
- Chopped onion
- Olive oil
- Black pepper to taste
- Leaves of cana-do-brejo cut into thin strips
- Italian tomato, seedless and chopped
For the crocante:
- Fresh sapucaia almonds, peeled
- As a starter:
- Finely chopped red onion
- Olive oil to taste
Procedures - preparation and cooking
For chicken
- Separate the drumsticks from the thighs and season with salt, garlic, onion and pepper.
- Leave for about 30 minutes to rest / marinate
- In a clay pot, put the oil to heat and sauté the chicken along with the seasonings.
- Adding water little by little, make a "drip and fry" to brown the chicken for about 15 minutes or until it is golden.
- Add another cup of water, cover the pot and let it cook for 30 minutes or in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes.
- When the chicken is ready, add the chopped tomato and leave it covered for a few minutes (if you prefer the tomato more broken up, add it before)
- With the chicken already soft, add the chopped cana-do-brejo’s leaves and turn off the heat.
- Leave the pot covered until serving time.
For the crocante de sapucaia:
- Chop the sapucaia almonds with the tip of a knife
- Brown the sapucaia in olive oil until it gains color and crunchy consistency.
- For “asparagus” of cana-do-brejo as a starter
- Remove the crumb of the bud of cana-do-brejo, the so-called "asparagus"
- Blanch the "asparagus" from the cana-do-brejo in boiling water and transfer to a bowl with water and ice
- Add the finely chopped red onion, salt and black pepper to the oil, mixing well, forming a sauce.
- Serve the asparagus with the sauce
Rice cake cooked in caetê leaf with mushrooms and capiçoba
For the rice cake:
- Rice
- Grated onion
- Salt to taste
- Water
- Caetê Leaf (Marantas) without fiber
For the mushroom:
- Fresh mushroom
- Butter
- For capiçoba
- Salt to taste
- Chopped garlic
- Olive oil
- Capiçoba leaves
Procedures - preparation and cooking
- Grind the rice well, to be very thin, add the water and reserve overnight, to ferment
- Sieve the fermented rice and mix with the grated onion and salt
- Put the dough on the caetê leaf, already cleaned of the fiber, with a spoon
- Make little packets, wrapping the caetê leaf, and trim the leftovers with scissors
- Tie the packages with the fiber removed from the petiole of the caetê leaf, also clean of fiber, or with string
- Put the rice packets to cook in boiling water for 10-15 minutes
- Chop the mushroom and, in a frying pan, sauté the chopped mushroom in butter, with salt to taste, and set aside
- Cut the capiçoba leaf with the tip of the knife
- In the same skillet, sauté the chopped capiçoba leaf with chopped garlic and olive oil
- Serve the rice cake with the mushroom and capiçoba on top, as if it were a canapé
Araçá-una gelatin with pralinê de brejaúva
Araçá-una gelatin with pralinê de brejaúva
For the gelatin:
- Araçá-una
- Water
- Sugar
- Agar agar (algae gelatin)
For the crocante:
- Chopped Brejaúva (coconut meat)
- Water
- Sugar
For the syrup (optional):
- Coconut milk
- Sugar to taste
Procedures - preparation and cooking
For the gelatin
- Blend the araçá, sugar and water in a blender.
- Make a juice, sieve and transfer to the pan
- Add the agar agar, mix well, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Pour into silicone molds and let it cool naturally until it takes on a gelatin consistency (if you need to correct it, just return to the heat and add more agar agar)
- Unmold to serve and serve with the pralinê and syrup (optional)
For the crocante:
- In a pan or high skillet, place the sugar and water.
- On low heat, when it starts to foam, add the chopped brejaúva and stir constantly until the sugar sticks to the coconut, forming a dry crunchy
- For the syrup (optional):
- In a pan, put the sugar and coconut milk.
- Over medium heat, stir constantly until reduced.
Pink cactus of Caruru with cherry scent
Pink cactus of Caruru with cherry scent
- Pink cactus sanitized and cut into cubes
- Desalted dried shrimp
- Smoked dried shrimp
- Chopped onion
- Coconut milk
- Roasted peanuts
- Roasted cashew nuts
- Capsicum baccatum peper
- Pitangão Leaves
- Lemon
- Dendê
- Olive oil
- Salt to taste
Procedures - preparation and cooking
- In a blender, blend half the desalted shrimp and half a cup of water.
- Then sieve and then blend the shrimp broth together with the onion, coconut milk, peanuts, cashew nut, capsicum baccatum peper and pitangão leaves.
- In a pan, sauté the cactus in dendê with olive oil, add the other half of the desalted dried shrimp, the lemon juice and, if necessary, a pinch of salt.
- Let it cook for 5 minutes, add the broth blended in the blender
- Mix well and cook for about 15 minutes or until the cactus is soft, with less viscosity.
- Then, with the fire off, add the smoked shrimp, mix and serve.
Green cocoa ceviche with schinus terebinthifolius plant and melipona rufiventris honey
Green cocoa ceviche with schinus terebinthifolius plant and melipona rufiventris honey
- Green cocoa (also called bilro)
- Water
- Rangpur Lime
- Purple Onion
- Schinus terebinthifolius plant
- Coriander (also called wild coriander)
- Olive oil
- Melipona rufiventris honey
- Black pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
Procedures - preparation and cooking
- Slice the green cocoa and put it in a bowl with lemon so it doesn't oxidize.
- Slice the red onion into a half moon, very thin, and add it to the cocoa, along with the salt, schinus terebinthifolius plant, honey and chopped coriander
- Mix (the more you mix, the more viscous it gets)
- Leave it to marinate for 10 minutes in the fridge.
- After that time, serve in individual bowls and garnish it with flowers and/or buds.
- Serve with yam, cassava and/or sweet potato chips
Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles
Check out Vale's actions in Florests
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