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Photographer: Vale's Archive
Photographer: Vale's Archive

Our priority is to carry out actions aimed at recovering the area impacted by the collapse of Dam B1, in Brumadinho.

It is our duty and our priority to carry out actions aimed at the environmental recovery of the entire area affected by the collapse of Dam B1, in Brumadinho. 

It is Vale's duty and priority to carry out actions aimed at the environmental reparation of the entire area impacted by the collapse of Dam B1 in Brumadinho. 

On this page you can find all of the environmental remediation initiatives carried out by Vale. 

Environmental recovery is divided into five fronts:

Preservation of local flora and fauna; 
Removal of tailings on land and in the river, allocating them to safe and controlled areas; 
Containment of tailings, preventing them from reaching the river during rainy periods; 
Monitoring and restoration of water and soil quality; 
Human and ecological health risk assessment studies.

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Water quality monitoring 


Since January 2019, Vale has been carrying out water quality monitoring work in the Paraopeba River basin, its tributaries, as well as stretches of the São Francisco River, although the latter were not affected by the B1 Dam failure. 

In addition to the monthly monitoring carried out by the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute (Igam), the quality of the waters of the Paraopeba River and its tributaries is monitored by Vale, respecting the commitment assumed with the responsible public bodies. All this work is accompanied  by an independent technical and environmental audit, appointed by the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG). 

The data obtained by the monitoring works are  eriodically delivered to Organs inspection bodies and to the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais. 

In order for you to better understand all the information on this page, we have produced a glossary. Click here

Want summary information to access and share? Click here to download the booklet 

Discover all the monitoring points that exist today 

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How is monitoring done? 

Mouse over the map to see more details
Ícone representando duas gotas de água um tubo de ensaio Ícone representando três tubos de ensaio Ícone representando um recipiente com água e uma régua medindo a profundidade Ícone representando uma lupa e algumas moléculas ao fundo

Based on the results, what can we say?

  • The tailings have been retained in the reservoir behind the Retiro Baixo Hydroelectric Dam in Pompéu, Minas Gerais, and have not reached the São Francisco River;
  • The water in the reservoir behind the Três Marias Hydroelectric Dam is not contaminated, as demonstrated by the environmental agencies’ studies;
  • Trace metal deviations have fallen progressively during dry periods.
  • Statistical tests point to a significant improving trend in water quality in terms of total manganese in the dry season.
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photographer: Vale’s Archive 
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Metal concentration

Since January 2019, a complete list of metals has been analyzed in water and sediment samples from the Paraopeba River, main tributaries and also in points in the reservoirs of the Retiro Baixo and Três Marias Hydroelectric Power Plants.

The presence of metals in water can also be associated with the dissolution of compost from the soil, and the contents of these metals are directly related to the geological composition of the places where water bodies are inserted or discharge of industrial effluents and other human activities.

How to interpret maps

To verify the quality condition of the Paraopeba river stretches, a comparison is made of the monthly maximum result of each parameter with the maximum of the seasonal periods obtained before the disruption by Igam monitoring.

The result of this comparison with the pre-disruption period (called baseline) is graphically represented by colors, ranging from the best result (blue) to the worst (red), as follows:

pre-breakup condition
worst condition
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Dissolved iron

Total manganese

The Paraopeba river basin crosses the region known as the Iron Quadrangle of Minas Gerais, and records of naturally high concentrations of iron and manganese in the waters are common, even above the quality standards, even in the historical series of data from Igam before the break.

In the monitoring carried out by Vale,   significant results of these metals were identified in stretches more impacted by the input of tailings, with attenuation as we move away from the region where the Ferro-Carvão stream meets the Paraopeba river. The contents of manganese and iron, in total form, show an increase in the rainy season and a reduction in the dry season, and the current condition indicates that the water quality is in a transition phase, with a progressive reduction in concentrations.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Dissolved aluminum

The analysis of aluminum metal has shown significant concentration levels, which may be associated with the tailings. However, specifically in the stretch of the Paraopeba River after the municipality of Maravilhas, it is observed that natural geological factors influence the increase in the concentration of this element.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Trace metals

Other metals can also be found in water in much smaller amounts and sporadically, they are called "trace metals". Some analytical results pointed to isolated occurrences of pronounced concentrations for trace metals.

However, for these elements, which are also present in the tailings, the data analyzed currently show that the levels in the Paraopeba River are similar or even lower than those recorded in public databases for the pre-rupture period.

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

HTML Example

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.


Turbidity is a basic parameter for assessing water quality, easily influenced by rainfall and related to the transparency and quantity of suspended particles

The presence of suspended solid materials such as clay, organic and inorganic matter, microscopic organisms and algae cause water turbidity.

The origins of these materials can be diverse:

  • River bottom sediments;
  • Soils on the banks and in areas with suppression of vegetation;
  • Mining;
  • Sand removal or clay exploration;
  • Industrial waste;
  • Domestic sewage.

HTML Example

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Understand the difference in water behaviour in the rainy x dry season

Climatic aspects have a relevant influence on water quality. During rainy periods, the water tends to become more turbid, mainly due to the carrying of materials from the banks and the resuspension of sediments from the bottom of the river. On the other hand, in periods of drought (drought), the rivers present reduced flow, low flow velocity and less resuspension of sediments, resulting in better measurements of some parameters.

Regarding the Paraopeba River, we can say that, in periods of drought, the water quality approaches the conditions prior to the break.

Joint analysis of “dissolved iron,” “total manganese” and “turbidity” parameters, in general, shows a reduction in maximum concentration, indicating recovery close to the conditions of a Class 2 river.

During the rainy season, the water quality worsens, as has happened before the disruption. The increase in the concentration of some of these parameters such as aluminum, iron, manganese and turbidity may be related to the suspension of the material deposited on the riverbed and the new contributions caused by natural soil materials in the region, or due to other activities historically carried out in the region.

The evaluation of the water quality of the Paraopeba River and its tributaries continues to show results that indicate the  improviment of several physicochemical parameters, regardless of the influence of climatic factors.

Monitoring in numbers

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Around 80 monitoring points.

Over 6.8 million water and sediment results.

Almost 81,000 samples collected.

Around 250 professionals involved in this process.

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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Monitoring of the Paraopeba River by IGAM 

Vale signed the Term of Commitment (TC) with the Public Ministry of the State of Minas Gerais (MPMG), which establishes the  transfer of all monitoring actions of water resources and sediments along the Paraopeba River Basin and in the São Francisco River for the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute (IGAM). To absorb the monitoring data after the breakup, Vale is developing, together with IGAM, a water monitoring software for the entire State of Minas Gerais. Vale  hires a technical and independent auditor, who is responsible for overseeing the entire transfer process, which is expected to take 33 months after the signing of the Global Agreement.

Igam has a fundamental role as a supervisory body, in the scope of evaluating the results and studies related to the sampling carried out by Vale, as well as in requesting responses and proposing changes in the way the work is being carried out. 

Igam reinforces that the recommendation of not using raw water from the Paraopeba River for any purpose is still maintained, as a preventive measure, in the stretch that covers the municipalities of Brumadinho up to the limit of the Retiro Baixo HPP, in Pompéu (approximately 250 km from distance from the break). The use of water in the stretches before the municipality of Brumadinho (before the stretch affected by the rupture) and after the Retiro Baixo HPP are authorized for a wide range of purposes and there is no restriction by public bodies. 

Monitoring the quality of the water is essential to subsidize the agency and, in the future, allow the resumption of use. This is a decision that does not depend on Vale, and to support the assessment of the water quality condition, the monitoring results are periodically sent to the State's supervisory bodies. 

Surface Water and Sediment Quality Cycle Closure Report: understand what it is for and what is done with it 

The Cycle Closing Report contemplates the evaluation of monitoring data within the scope of the Monitoring Plans. 

It presents the behaviour of the results of monitoring of surface waters and sediments in the Paraopeba river basin up to the Três Marias reservoir, in different seasonal periods. 

The document aims to present an assessment of the quality of water and sediment, bringing into consideration the variations that occur during the rainy and dry periods of the hydrological cycles, over the years of monitoring.

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Water Supply 

After the B1 Dam Breach in Brumadinho, the use of water from the Paraopeba river was interrupted and Vale assumed a commitment, with the competent public authorities to guarantee the water supply of all municipalities impacted by this measure. 

Our initiatives are divided into two fronts, which serve the public supply and the riverside population: 

Emergency corrective actions

These are actions aimed at animal consumption, agricultural irrigation and human consumption. 

 Structuring preventive actions

Those actions carried out to ensure water security and that usually involve works, in order to promote improvement and adjustments in the public supply. They consist of the drilling and reactivation of deep tubular wells, abstractions in surface water sources and in the installation of water treatment systems. 


Public supply 

Access to water in sufficient quantity and quality is a human right. Therefore, we are working with the implementation of several solutions for the supply of drinking water in the municipalities that had withdrawal from the Paraopeba river. 

Know the actions

Pipeline system measuring around 12 km deployed in the Paraopeba river in a region not affected by the rupture with the capacity to operate with the same flow as the previous withdrawal of 5,000 L/s. The purpose of this work is to guarantee the water supply of the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte. 

A pipeline system measuring around 50 km long with withdrawal from the Pará river, which was not affected by the sediments of the B1 dam, for direct service to the municipality of Pará de Minas. The structure's flow rate is 284 l/s, the same volume that the municipality used to capture from the Paraopeba River before the dam breach. 

Watch the video to learn more: 

The water supply to the municipalities of Paraopeba and Caetanópolis is being served through wells drilled and reactivated by Vale and complemented by the surface withdrawal of the Cedro stream. 
Currently, Vale supplies the communities of Parque da Cachoeira, Tejuco, Pontinha, Ponte das Almorreimas, Imperial and Boa Vista. The supply is carried out by tubular wells or water trucks. 
Implementation of a water reservoir with a capacity of 700 thousand m³ as a definitive alternative to the drilled wells and the surface withdrawal from the Cedro stream to supply the municipalities of Paraopeba and Caetanópolis. 
To learn more about the request for drinking water supply via water tankers, call the Call Center: 0800 031 0831. 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

So far, Vale has made available a flow of approximately: 

200 millions L/day for public supply 

This is equivalent to supplying a city with 1,2 million inhabitants 

*Data as of April 2024, according to flows granted

Supply for the riverside population 

Distribution of drinking water to those who live on the banks of the Paraopeba River. This water can be supplied by wells drilled or reactivated by Vale (structuring preventive actions) or by means of a water truck or mineral water distribution (emergency corrective actions).


711.284.717 liters

Animal consumption 

1.086.577.300 liters

Domestic use liters 

* Data from April 2024, according to flows granted 

28.805.218,5 liters

* Data from April 2024, according to flows granted 

Agricultural use  

5.187.33,3 liters  

* Data from April 2024, according to flows granted

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

  • Brumadinho 
  • São Joaquim de Bicas 
  • Mário Campos 
  • Betim 
  • Esmeraldas 
  • Juatuba 
  • Florestal 
  • Pará de Minas 
  • São José da Varginha 
  • Pequi 
  • Fortuna de Minas 
  • Maravilhas 
  • Papagaios 
  • Paraopeba 
  • Curvelo 
  • Pompéu 

Learn more

Foto de placeholder Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Treatment systems  

Vale continues to work to improve the water quality of the Paraopeba river basin. 

One of its actions is the installation of treatment systems to ensure quality water for the population living in the locations between Brumadinho and the Três Marias reservoir. The installation of the new treatment systems was based on an agreement made with the State Health Department of Minas Gerais (SES/MG).

Structuring preventive actions in the Rio das Velhas Basin

Although it has not been impacted by the B1 rupture, the Rio das Velhas is receiving a preventive investment. Get to know some actions:

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Manifolds - Copasa water truck supply  

Improvement works to guarantee the water supply, by means of water trucks, to essential users whose daily consumption is less than 80 m³ of water, to subnormal agglomerations, to vulnerable areas and to regions without technical supply conditions of the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte (RMBH) in case of hypothetical compromise in the water withdrawal of ETA Bela Fama. 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

RMBH supply contingency plan  

The plan includes actions that should be implemented, if there is the impossibility of raw water withdrawal in the Rio das Velhas due to any event that compromises the supply in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte (RMBH).

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Cambimbe Pipeline System  

The installation of the pipeline system is a preventive action that guarantees an alternative water collection for Nova Lima and Raposos in case of water withdrawal in Rio das Velhas being compromised. The pipeline, which will have about 4 km, will take the water from this point to the Bela Fama Treatment Plant (ETA). 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Carlos Prates Pipeline System  

Implementation of a 2 km long pipeline system in the Novo Glória neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, which connects the water supply systems of the Paraopeba River Basin to the Rio das Velhas Basin. The structure will contribute to ensure an improvement in the current Copasa distribution system and is designed to meet a flow rate of 320 l/s. 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

North Vector  

Drilling and reactivation of wells belonging to Copasa in the municipalities of Lagoa Santa, São José da Lapa and Vespasiano including the adjustments in the distribution network to serve 81,000 inhabitants.
Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Sabará Wells  

Drilling of tubular wells in Sabará for the public water supply serving about 50,900 inhabitants. 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Essential customers  

Essential customers are those who carry out essential activities, as stipulated in ARSAE-MG Resolution No. 68/2015. In this context, for essential users who have water consumption above 80 m³ / day, an alternative action will be implemented to guarantee supply, such as drilling wells, supplementary reserve and redundancy works. The other essential users, with consumption below 80 m³ / day, will be served by water truck.


Water Security  

In addition to the projects executed by Vale, the company is developing 5 (five) basic projects of water safety works, which will be delivered to the water supply concessionaire for subsequent bidding and contracting and aim to guarantee a demand corresponding to 15,000 l/s to supply the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. 

  • Expansion of the Manso River supply system 

We are developing studies and projects to ensure compliance with the current water demand of RMBH corresponding to 15,000 l/s. One of the structuring interventions is the expansion of the Manso River water supply system. The projects include the expansion of capacity by approximately 55% of the Water Treatment Plant - ETA Manso, and also the expansion of 4 elevators and water pipeline systems.

  • Interconnection pipeline system of reservoirs R10-R13 

The Conduct Agreement (TC) also includes Water Security the preparation of a treated water pipeline project with approximately 30 km in length that will interconnect two reservoirs, called R10 and R13 and increase the possibility of transfer between the water systems of Paraopeba and the Rio das Velhas, which will provide an increase in resilience for public supply of RMBH. 

  • Dam project in the Macaúbas stream 

Projects are being prepared for the implementation water withdrawal works in the Macaúbas stream through the implementation of a dam, shrinkage and water supply until the new withdrawal from the Paraopeba river. These interventions will bring greater security for water reservation and continuity of public supply especially in critical periods (drought). 

  • Withdrawal from Ponte de Arame 

Part of the scope of the Water Security TC consists of studies and projects for the implementation of new water withdrawal in the Rio das Velhas, in the region known as "Ponte de Arame". This new system will have the implementation of 1 run-of-the-river water withdrawal system in its first stage and later with the implementation of a Dam. These projects will supply the Water Treatment Plant - ETA Bela Fama through a pipeline system approximately 25 km in length. As the 1st Dam in the basin of the Velhas river for public supply, this project will provide greater security for supplying the RMBH. 

  • Withdrawal from the Ribeirão do Prata 

In addition, the Water Security scope includes the withdrawal of water in the Ribeirão do Prata, which includes the collection by water and a pipeline extending approximately 9 km to the Bela Fama WTP. 

By December 2023, 249 wild animals had been returned to the wild and in accordance with the appropriate technical and legal procedures. 
Between August 2020 and December 2023 (after 3 years of monitoring), around 830 flora species, 572 species of terrestrial invertebrates, 69 species of amphibians and reptiles, 193 bird species and 77 mammal species were recorded.​

Biodiversity in the Paraopeba River Basin 

The recovery of the Paraopeba river and its biodiversity is one of Vale's commitments in the reparation work. Therefore, since the rupture of the B1 dam in Brumadinho, short, medium and long-term measures have been carried out. 


Biodiversity monitoring is carried out on a permanent basis by companies specialized in the area of the environment, biologists, field assistants and veterinarians, with the coordination of university professors. In all, 35 points are studied for aquatic biodiversity and 20 areas for terrestrial biodiversity, which cover regions not affected, areas affected in lesser intensity and areas severely affected by tailings. 

The fauna and flora in some marginal lakes and in the main tributaries of the Paraopeba river are also analysed. 

By expanding monitoring to unaffected locations, it is possible to assess the environmental conditions and the real impact of the disruption on biodiversity. 

It is based on these constant analyses that we understand the impacts and can understand the best actions to be taken in favour of the local flora and fauna.

Watch the video below to find out how monitoring is done:

Young resident of Brumadinho helps collect 782 kg of fruits and seeds of 100 native species to restore region’s biodiversity 


José Fernandes, 19, spends most of his time on the Seeds Project, which is helping reforest areas impacted by the failure of the B1 Tailings Dam. 

Photographer: Vale’s Archive 

Mouse over the map to see more details

Explore the study área

Aquatic Biodiversity 

Currently, the study area of aquatic communities on the Paraopeba river ranges from the Salto do Paraopeba Small Hydroelectric Plant, in Jeceaba, to beyond the Três Marias dam. 

After studies by experts from government institutions, 35 points were selected for aquatic monitoring, in affected and unaffected areas.


In the local rivers, we are monitoring fish, plants, aquatic insects, microscopic plants and plankton. 

The objective is to evaluate whether the dam failure was followed by any changes in the abundance and diversity of these life forms, their reproduction and feeding, the occurrence of parasites and other aquatic biota interactions. 

For this comparison to be possible, the same parameters are being evaluated in areas affected by the tailings and other areas that were not affected.  

The reparation so far

At the end of December 2019, Vale started the Aquatic Biodiversity Monitoring Program, following the guidelines presented by the Minas Gerais State Forestry Institute (IEF).
In 2020, tailings were removed at the mouth of the Ferro Carvão stream’s estuary, from the Alberto Flores Bridge to the confluence of the Ferro Carvão stream’s estuary with the Paraopeba river. The stabilization of the banks of the creek and the reconstitution of its gutter was also carried out; 


We also monitor the fish in the Paraopeba River Basin during the spawning season. During this period, between November and February, schools of fish commonly swim against the current to release their eggs and complete the reproductive cycle. For this evaluation, 22 points along the Paraopeba River (upstream and downstream of the dam failure site), tributaries and adjacent lagoons are monitored every five days to understand how the river and its main tributaries are used as spawning areas and to detect possible changes in fish reproduction.

  • Histopathological analysis 

Histopathological analysis is carried out to assess possible illnesses or damage to fish due to exposure to tailings from the dam failure. 


  • Assessment of parasitic worms 

Tests are being performed as part of environmental impact monitoring to identify the presence of parasites as bioindicators. 


  • Bioaccumulation of metals 

Animals undergo identification, biometry and removal of muscle and liver to check for the presence of metals such as aluminum, copper, iron, lead and zinc. We look to see if there are high concentrations of certain chemicals in organisms at the highest level of the food chain.  


  • Toxicology and genotoxicity in fish and aquatic invertebrates 

Scientific studies are analyzing the effects of chemical substances on organisms and their ability to induce changes in the genetic material of animals that have been exposed to them. 


  • Ecotoxicological tests 

These tests study the effects of one or more chemical compounds on a population or community of organisms. They function as an environmental monitoring tool, based on the responses of tested organisms exposed to chemicals. 

Monitoring fish eggs and larvae

This work is done to assess the reproductive cycle of migratory fish. The animals are monitored during the piracema, the period in which they reproduce. Between October and February, it is common for migratory fish to swim upstream to release their eggs and complete the reproductive cycle.unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

This study aims to verify whether the eggs and larvae of these fish are found in the Paraopeba River and whether these organisms are viable to complete their life cycle. 22 points along the Paraopeba River channel (before and after the breach), tributaries and marginal lagoons are evaluated every 5 days in order to understand the use of these sites as spawning areas and detect possible changes in the fish's reproductive cycle.


On February 28, 2019, fishing for native species was prohibited in the Paraopeba river basin, by Ordinance No. 16 issued by the State Forestry Institute (Instituto Estadual de Florestas – IEF), and this continues until the publication of a new Ordinance. 

Planktonic communities 

The technical team also studies planktonic communities (formed by different microorganisms), which have some important bioindicators. These bioindicators are sensitive to pollution and help us to verify that the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the river water are adequate. The collections of these microorganisms are carried out with plankton nets and the analyses are carried out in the laboratory, using a microscope.

Phytoplankton  – A group of photosynthetic microorganisms composed of microscopic unicellular algae and cyanobacteria that live dispersed in water.
Zooplankton – Set of aquatic organisms, usually microscopic, that do not carry out photosynthesis and live dispersed in the water column. Includes protozoa, worms, crustaceans, among others.
Periphyton – A set of organisms that attach to solid surfaces and can form a thin layer on these surfaces in aquatic habitats . Their size ranges from microscopic organisms to some several meters in size.
Zoobenthos – Set of organisms that live in water during at least one phase of their life cycle and that are larger than 0.5 mm; hence they are called macroinvertebrates. Insect larvae, crustaceans and molluscs are some examples of these organisms.

Aquatic biota of the Ferro-Carvão stream basin 

As part of the monitoring, we follow the aquatic biota, that is, the set of aquatic living beings, from the Ferro-Carvão stream basin. For this, we studied different groups of animals, including aquatic invertebrates and fish.  

For the collection of fish samples, 10 points were defined in the tributaries of the stream. For the collection of aquatic invertebrates, three streams from the Ferro-Carvão basin and watercourses in a nearby basin with similar and ecological characteristics​ are sampled. This monitoring seeks to assess whether, eventually, the tailings accumulated in the Ferro Carvão river channel isolates populations to the point of altering the community of fish and benthic macroinvertebrates.

Terrestrial biodiversity 

In the forested areas of the Ferro-Carvão Creek Basin and surroundings, and on the banks of the Paraopeba River, various groups of fauna and flora are being monitored to assess their diversity and abundance in affected and non-affected areas. 

Fauna monitoring

Monitoring of endangered species: black-collared swallow (Pygochelidon melanoleuca), swallowtail butterfly (Parides burchellanus) and neotropical river otter (Lontra longicaudis). 
Monitoring of terrestrial invertebrates: bees, beetles, butterflies, termites and ants. 
Monitoring of terrestrial amphibians and reptiles, forest-dwelling birds and small non-flying mammals, bats, and medium and large mammals. 
Laboratory studies to assess the presence of chemical elements in fauna and flora. To do this, samples are taken from wild animals (blood and hair, for example) and plants (roots and leaves).

Initial results 

It is important to note that the results obtained so far are the result of three years of study and they underscore the need to track all activities over the long term, as proposed in the Monitoring Program. 
  • Due to their permeable skin and peculiar life cycle, amphibians are considered good indicators of environmental quality. In turn, Squamate reptiles play an important ecological role in the ecosystem, occupying the space of top predators, for example. As these animals are easy to sample, they are excellent for obtaining quick information that characterizes the state of conservation of a given site, assessing the anthropogenic impacts on it. 

To date, 38 amphibian species and 30 reptile species have been recorded. There are no differences in richness, abundance and composition between the sampled sites. Two species classified as vulnerable at a global level were recorded: the Tantilla boipiranga snake and the Bokermannohyla martinsi frog.

Click here to see the list of amphibian and reptile species recorded over the three years in the entire study area.​

Título do carrossel

Boana faber
Tantilla boipiranga
Bokermannohyla martinsi
  • Birds are also widely distributed and used in biomonitoring. They respond well to environmental changes. 

  • After three years of monitoring, 192 bird species have been recorded and the most abundant and dominant ones are practically the same in all the sampled sites. 

  • Two endangered species have been recorded at state level: the ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), which is classified as endangered; and the swallow-tailed cotinga (Phibalura flavirdostris), which is classified as vulnerable. 

So far, it has been suggested that the bird community in the study area was already weakened before the dam failure, due to anthropogenic impacts over time.

Click here to see the list of bird species recorded over the three years in the entire study area.​

Título do carrossel

Phibalura flavirostris 
Hemithraupis ruficapilla 
Synallaxis ruficapilla 
  • The sites feature representatives of small non-flying mammals with high adaptive flexibility and others with low tolerance to certain environmental factors. These animals play an ecological role as seed dispersers and also as prey for various predators. Because they have a small home range, they don’t disperse much and are associated with the terrestrial stratum, this group can be a good indicator of the environmental disturbance resulting from the dam failure. 

    To date, 21 species have been recorded (10 marsupials and 11 rodents). The most noteworthy are seven species that had not been recorded in the region before this study: Caluromys philander, Gracilinanus agilis, Monodelphis kunsi, Philander quica, Bibimys labiosius, Calomys tener and Cerradomys scotti

Species richness was greater in the sampled sites adjacent to the tailings, and the structure of the communities was also different, with a greater dominance of one species (Akodon montensis) in sites adjacent to the tailings compared to reference sites. The monitoring work will continue in order to understand the possible causes of these changes and how restoration actions may influence community dynamics over time. 

Click here to see the list of species of small non-flying mammals recorded over the three years in the entire study area.​

Título do carrossel

Akodon montensis 
Monodelphis americana 
Caluromys philander 
Graciliannus agilis 
  • Invertebrates make up a highly diverse group, with different lifestyles ranging from solitary to gregarious to strictly social. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 700,000 described species (Brandão et al., 2020), and many species are known to play important roles in the ecosystem, such as nutrient cycling, decomposition, pollination, seed dispersal and regulation of plant populations and other organisms. For this reason (i.e., due to their ecological importance) and because they have short life cycles, these animals were selected as bioindicators in this study, and they may provide quicker answers in impact assessments and environmental remediation actions. 

  • After three years of study, 571 species of terrestrial invertebrates have been recorded, including 231 bees, 67 beetles, 76 butterflies, 46 termites and 151 ants. 

So far, the results suggest that the presence of the tailings has not had a significant impact on the richness and abundance of these groups or on the ecological functions they perform (or if it did have a significant impact, the species have already recovered). This is a very positive result and demonstrates the ability of these animals to recover. In addition, the presence of these species around the area affected by the tailings is also important in aiding the natural recovery process there. It is possible to state that the ecosystem functions and services performed by ants, beetles and termites are occurring normally in all the sampled sites. 

Click here to see the list of terrestrial invertebrate species recorded over the three years in the entire study area.​

Título do carrossel

Aromatic traps 
Nesomyrmex cf. costatus 
Velocitermes sp 
Phanaeus dejeani 
Ariphanarthra palpalis 
Zaretis strigosus 
  • The Geoffroy’s side-necked turtle is a species selected as a bioindicator to assess whether there has been a variation in its abundance over time along certain stretches of the Paraopeba River. 

  • The species has been found to occur throughout the course of the Paraopeba River. In all, 201 individuals have been captured and the recapture rate is 16.3%. 

  • The data available so far suggests that the Geoffroy’s side-necked turtle becomes more abundant as one heads down the Paraopeba River. This may be related to differences in the characteristics of the sampled stretches and not to whether or not they have had contact with tailings. 

Título do carrossel

Phrynops geoffroanus 
Biometrics of Phrynops geoffroanus 
  • Medium and large mammals are vulnerable to local extinctions, as they need large areas to live in, have low densities and long gestation periods and are highly persecuted by humans. These animals perform important environmental services, such as dispersing seeds and controlling populations of other species through predation. All these services are essential for the maintenance and regeneration of forests. 

  • These animals have been monitored since August 2020, using camera traps, at points in the Ferro-Carvão Stream Basin and in two areas deemed to be control areas (Inhotim Private Nature Reserve and the Manso River Special Protection Area), as they were not influenced by the dam breach or the reparation work. As of December 2023, 33 species of mammals had been recorded (27 native, five domestic and one exotic). Six of the recorded native species are endangered to some extent, including the cougar (Puma concolor), ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) and maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). 

  • It was observed that the Ferro-Carvão Stream Basin had more occurrences of this type of fauna than the control areas (Inhotim Private Nature Reserve and the Manso River Special Protection Area). 

Título do carrossel

Subulo gouazoubira 
Puma concolor 
Eira barbara 
Tamandua tetradactyla 
  • Primate monitoring was carried out to assess the possible isolation of individuals and/or groups due to the dam failure and reparation work, in order to propose any necessary mitigation measures. 

  • Between June 2021 and December 2023, three primate species were identified in the region: the black-fronted titi (Callicebus nigrifrons), the black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) and the black-horned capuchin (Sapajus nigritus).  

  • A group of black-fronted titis (Callicebus nigrifrons) was identified as being in a vulnerable situation, as it lives in a fragment of only 3 hectares. In order to reconnect this and other fragments to larger remnants of vegetation, overpasses for fauna were erected, allowing these primates to move between them safely. This mitigation action is generating ecological information about this and other mammal species that are using the crossings, and it is a conservation strategy for arboreal fauna in the Brumadinho region. 

Título do carrossel

Callithrix penicillata 
Callicebus nigrifrons 
Callicebus nigrifrons 
Callicebus nigrifrons 
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

The activities are being carried out in full compliance with legislation and are monitored through meetings, field visits and reports by various public bodies. Depending on the case, one or more of the institutions below are responsible for issuing authorizations. No action is performed without proper authorization or follow-up. 

  • State Forestry Institute (Instituto Estadual de Florestas – IEF) 

  • Prosecution Office of The State of Minas Gerais (Ministério Público de Minas Gerais – MPMG) 

  • Water Management Institute of Minas Gerais (Instituto Mineiro de Gestão de Águas – IGAM) 

  • State Environmental Foundation (Fundação Estadual de Meio Ambiente – FEAM) 

  • State Department for Environment and Sustainable Development (Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – SEMAD) 

  • Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – IBAMA) 

  • Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade – ICMBio) 

In addition to the team of specialists working in the field, we have monitoring and reparation techniques developed by researchers and professors from the following partner institutions: 

  • Federal University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG) 

  • Federal University of Viçosa (Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV) 

  • Federal University of Ouro Preto (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP 

  • State University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais – UEMG) 

  • Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF) 

  • Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – UFTM) 

Flora monitoring

  • To assess whether thevegetation structure and species diversity, botanical samples are taken near the tailings pond and in distant areas for comparison purposes.comparison. Botanical plots are marked and sampled tophytosociological parameters (i.e. the study of theof the plant community, its floristic composition and vegetation structure). 

    In these plots, individuals of species belonging to the various strata of the forest are monitored, such as trees, shrubs, herbs, epiphytes and lianas.

Photographer: Laura Sales

Heading Example

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Título do carrossel

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Initial results

It is important to note that the results obtained so far are the result of three years of study and they underscore the need to track all activities over the long term, as proposed in the Monitoring Program. 
  • 830 species of land plants were recorded, 378 of which were woody, 225 epiphytic bryophytes, 34 vascular epiphytes and 193 herbaceous species. Of this total, only 13 tree species are threatened with extinction and the majority occur in the three categories of monitoring areas.  

  • To date, the results do not indicate that the breach impacted the species richness and floristic composition of terrestrial plant communities in the Ferro-Carvão basin. 

  • The richness of terrestrial plants in sites with edges close to the tailings is similar to the richness of reference sites without the effect of tailings, and slightly lower than the richness of sites in areas in Conservation Units. 

The high representation of fern species among vascular epiphytes is unprecedented for Brazilian semideciduous seasonal forests.   

Click here to see the list of terrestrial plant species recorded over the three years in the entire study area.​

Título do carrossel

Woody - Clethra scabra 
Woody - Cordia sellowiana 
Bryophytes in arboreal individual
Herbaceous - Pteridium esculenntum subsp. arachnoideum 
Vascular epiphyte - Pleopeltis hirsutissima 
Vascular epiphyte - Microgramma squamulosa 

The reparation so far 

By December 2023, 249 wild animals had been returned to the wild and in accordance with the appropriate technical and legal procedures. 
Between August 2020 and December 2023 (after 3 years of monitoring), around 830 flora species, 572 species of terrestrial invertebrates, 69 species of amphibians and reptiles, 193 bird species and 77 mammal species were recorded.
Of these species, 38 are classified as threatened to some degree at state, national and/or international level. They include the Bahia rosewood (Dalbergia nigra), Tantilla boipiranga snake, ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus), puma (Puma concolor) and maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). 
A breeding population of the black-collared swallow (Pygochelidon melanoleuca), a bird considered critically endangered in the state of Minas Gerais, was found in the Paraopeba River Basin and it is being monitored by a team of biologists and assistants coordinated by a Viçosa Federal University professor. After three years of monitoring work, this is now the most comprehensive study of this species ever carried out in the whole world. 
Biodiversity monitoring also confirmed the presence of the rare Parides burchellanus butterfly in Brumadinho, close to the area affected by the dam failure. This species lives in extremely small populations, in closed canopy areas of forest along the banks of rivers and streams, and it is threatened with extinction due to the destruction of this type of habitat. More than 100 individuals have so far been identified and recolonization is expected over time, through the dispersion of individuals from the adjacent areas under monitoring to the recovered areas.
We are monitoring 19 flora species and 19 fauna species that are classified as endangered to some extent at state, national and/or international level.
More than 200 professionals, including biologists, veterinarians, environmental engineers and field assistants, are dedicated to animal rescue, care and preparation for reintegration into nature.
Currently, we are monitoring around 19 flora species and 19 fauna species that are endangered to some extent at state, national and/or international level. Here are some of our discoveries: 

Black-collared swallow
A breeding population of more than 100 black-collared swallows (Pygochelidon melanoleuca), a bird considered critically endangered in the state of Minas Gerais, was found in the Paraopeba River Basin, between the municipalities of Pompéu and Curvelo. This group is being monitored by a team of biologists and assistants, coordinated by a professor at Viçosa Federal University. This species builds its nests in places that are hard to access, inside crevices located in rocky outcrops along river rapids. After three years of monitoring work, this study is now the most comprehensive carried out involving this species in the whole world.  
Watch a vídeo about the Black-collared swallow and learn more​.

Swallowtail butterfly 
Biodiversity monitoring has also confirmed the presence of the rare swallowtail butterfly (Parides burchellanus) in Brumadinho, close to the area affected by the dam failure. It lives in extremely small populations, in closed canopy areas of riparian forest (on the banks of rivers and streams) – and it is threatened with extinction due to the destruction of these spaces. More than 100 individuals have so far been identified and, over time, recolonization is expected through the dispersion of individuals from adjacent areas that are being monitored to the restored areas. 
Watch a vídeo about the Swallowtail butterfly  and learn more​.


Otter (Lontra longicaudis) is classified as vulnerable in the state of Minas Gerais and, because it is dependent on bodies of water and the associated adjacent terrestrial environment, it was selected as an indicator to assess whether the breach influenced the likelihood of its occupation and/or habitat use along the Paraopeba River. A total of 260 records of the species were obtained, including three sightings and 257 indirect records (finding footprints, burrows and droppings); an expected result given that the otter is a solitary and difficult-to-see species. So far, there has been no difference in the occurrence of the species at the different sites sampled.  

We have captured and clinically evaluated wild animals (such as birds, snakes, tortoises and possums) found in the areas where emergency work has taken place. Rescue actions are carried out in line with all capture and confinement protocol for the respective fauna group (amphibians and reptiles, birds or mammals). 

All these procedures aim to ensure the well-being and safety of the animals, always seeking the best destination for each individual. If they are in good condition, they are released immediately into their natural habitat. If they need veterinary treatment that requires a period of hospitalization, they are sent to Vale facilities, where they are housed in environments that respect the specific characteristics of their biology and ecology. 

These animals are monitored by specialists who carry out various procedures such as laboratory tests, a balanced diet and environmental enrichment to help them recover physically and behaviorally. All these actions are aimed at maintaining or developing their survival skills and abilities in a natural environment, before the animals are reintroduced into the wild. If necessary, specific tests and training can be carried out on individuals during the rehabilitation process.​

Animals that do not have the capacity for rehabilitation or release are sent to an institution that is capable of maintaining their physical and psychological well-being for the rest of their life in captivity, such as a breeding site, shelter or zoo. All of these actions comply with current environmental standards and are authorized by the environmental agency. 

By February 2024, more than 260 animals had undergone some physical and/or behavioral rehabilitation process. Although only 20 rehabilitated animals were directly linked to the breach, Vale also rehabilitated animals from Wild Animal Screening Centers and rescue and salvage actions from emergency works. More than 250 animals were returned to the wild safely and enabled to survive in a natural environment and 13 animals were sent to a fauna carer.  

Flora monitoring 

Flora research 

​To assess whether there has been an impact on vegetation beyond the area directly affected by the tailings, botanical flora studies are carried out that monitor, among other things, possible changes in vegetation structure and species diversity.

In these areas, we are monitoring members of species belonging to different forest strata, such as trees, shrubs, herbs, epiphytes and lianas. These individuals are marked in the field, samples are collected for botanical identification and a database is being built to analyze this flora.

Rescue of plant species 

We are using technology to facilitate the recovery of the impacted vegetation. A partnership between Vale and researchers from Viçosa Federal University is applying a technique to extract DNA from the region’s plants and reproduce it. This is now being used to aid forest restoration in the area.

​Trees that under normal conditions could take more than eight years to flower can start this process between six and twelve months, accelerating the recovery of the impacted sites and the restoration of the region’s biodiversity. The initial project involved collecting genetic material from five pre-selected species, including endangered and legally protected ones.

The second stage of the work involves protecting another 30 species considered to be of great interest, including a critically endangered tree called Dimorphandra wilsonii Rizzini, which is endemic to the state of Minas Gerais. Some of the saplings grown from recovered material have been planted in forest restoration sites in Brumadinho since 2021. 

Revegetation - Ground Zero Project 

In December 2020, Vale completed the first stage of the Ground Zero project, which involved forest restoration work such as: seed collection, seedling production, acclimatization and planting in areas to be recovered at the mouth of the Ferro-Carvão stream's estuary. Other ecological restoration techniques used were nucleation (which forms favourable microhabitats to attract species and accelerate the process of succession and local diversity), through the installation of artificial perches and soil transposition; which will also contribute to the recovery process in the medium term. At the end of the restoration work, the Ground Zero area will have around 4,000 seedlings of tree species native to the region. 

To this end, we remain committed to carrying out actions to monitor local biodiversity, such as water, soil and animals, in addition to carrying out activities aimed at the revegetation of affected areas. 

We are also committed to ensuring quality water for populations that depended on abstraction from the Paraopeba River.  
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Discover our areas of activity:

Biodiversity monitoring

Aquatic biodiversity

Terrestrial biodiversity

Botanical Monitoring 

Recovery of plant species

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Photographer: Ricardo Teles

Water supply

After the collapse of Dam B1, in Brumadinho, the use of water from the Paraopeba River was interrupted and Vale assumed a commitment, together with the competent public bodies, to ensure the water supply of all affected municipalities.

For this, we carry out corrective actions (aimed at animal consumption, agricultural irrigation and human consumption) and preventive actions (to ensure water security and adequacy in public supply).

So far, Vale has provided a flow rate of: 


L/day for public supply 

Volume of mineral water supplied to communities 


million liters 

Volume of water made available by drilled wells 


of liters 

In a total of: 



Photographer: Vale's Archive

Discover the actions being carried out 

The action seeks to ensure quality water for the population living in the areas between Brumadinho and the Três Marias reservoir.
Among the initiatives for preventive actions, there is the installation of a containment barrier that surrounds the Bela Fama water withdrawal, in Nova Lima. The barrier is about 3 meters high and 300 meters long and its works were completed in December 2019. 
We are developing projects to ensure that the water demand of RMBH corresponds to 15,000 l/s. 
The Commitment Agreement also includes the preparation of the project for a treated water pipeline with approximately 30 km in length. It will connect two reservoirs (R10-R13), increasing the transfer between the Paraopeba and Velhas river water systems.  
We are also developing studies and projects for the implementation of a new water withdrawal in the Velhas river, in the Ponte de Arame region.  
The scope also includes water withdrawal in Ribeirão da Prata, which includes run-of-river water withdrawal and a 9 km pipeline to the ETA Bela Fama.

Do you want more information about the public supply schedule via water trucks? 
To learn more about requesting the supply of drinking water via water trucks, call the Call Center: 0800 031 0831. 

The data obtained from the monitoring works is periodically delivered to inspection agencies and to the Public Presecution Office of Minas Gerais. 

To discover the official technical results, visit our transparency area


The activities are being carried out in full compliance with the legislation and are monitored through meetings, field visits and reports by various public bodies. No action is taken without the authorization of the competent institutions.
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Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

Paraopeba river water quality 

The restoration of the Paraopeba River is one of the main commitments of our environmental reparation work.

Since the reparation of Dam B1, in Brumadinho, in addition to the monthly monitoring carried out by the Minas Gerais Water Management Institute (Igam), we have monitored the quality of the waters of the Paraopeba River and its tributaries. The data obtained from the monitoring works is periodically delivered to inspection bodies and to the Public Presecution Office of Minas Gerais. 

What are the results obtained so far? 

  • Since May 2019, the Paraopeba River has not received tailings loading; 
  • The tailings did not reach the São Francisco River. The impacts on water quality were identified up to the limit with the Retiro Baixo Hydroelectric Power Plant, in Pompéu (MG);
  • No impacts were detected on the waters of the Três Marias Hydroelectric Power Plant reservoir, as demonstrated in studies by environmental agencies;
  • The turbidity levels and the total metals, Manganese, Iron and Aluminum, are progressively reducing during the dry period, and statistical trend tests prove an improvement in the water quality of the affected regions.
Imagem placeholder Imagem placeholder Photo: Vale's Archive