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Photographer: Vale's Archive
Photographer: Vale's Archive 

How to issue and send my invoice to Vale 

To start the payment process, suppliers should pay attention to some guidelines on issuing and sending invoices. 

We have tools and systems that facilitate business with us, such as the Vale Supply Portal and the Portal do Fornecedor Vale (Vale Supplier Portal) (e-Marketplace on the Nimbi platform) and reinforce our commitment to building strong relationships with our suppliers.
Foto de placeholder Foto de placeholder

Fotógrafo: Ricardo Teles

See below for guidelines for each type of invoice. 

Electronic invoices for materials, electronic invoices for services and manual invoices for services. 

In case of doubt, the supplier should contact their contract manager. 

Guidelines for invoices

Materials can only be delivered to Vale after the respective tax invoices have been validated. To avoid materials being rejected, please follow these guidelines:
Upon receiving the purchase order, check that all information is correct (CNPJ of the issuer and recipient, NCM, material origin, value, unit of measure and taxes).
After checking, the invoice can be issued. The order number and lines must be filled in the appropriate fields in the XML: the order number must appear in the “<xPed>” tag and the item number in the “<nItemPed>” tag. 
The invoice (NF) issued must be sent to the e-mail:
Access the Vale Supplier Portal (e-Marketplace on the Nimbi platform) to check the status of the invoice analysis. When the electronic invoice - NFe status is "Validado” ("Validated"), it means that the material can now be collected/delivered. If the status is "Com divergência” ("With discrepancy") or "Rejeitado” ("Rejected"), it is possible to check the error detail by clicking on the "Comentários” ("Comments") field.

If there is any doubt about the explanation, access the Vale Supply Portal and request in the “Meus Chamados” application the opening of a ticket for action “Regularizar XML com divergência” (“Regularize XML with discrepancy”). For input and SPS invoices, the delivery of materials is not conditioned to the NFe status on the Vale Supplier Portal (e-Marketplace on the Nimbi platform).   
The delivery of all invoices for materials must be made at the Posto Avançado (entrance), which will register and generate the entry passport. This passport is the receipt confirmation protocol for registration and payment scheduling. In locations where there is no Posto Avançado, the invoice must be sent by the Vale employee responsible for the material. 
The invoice status can be checked on the Vale Supply Portal, on the ‘Minhas Notas Fiscais’ app. If its status is as “Nota fiscal com pagamento programado” ("Invoice with scheduled payment"), the supplier must wait for its payment according to the informed payment forecast. If the due date is expired, the supplier can access the Vale Supply Portal and inform the virtual assistant “Atraso de Pagamento” (“Payment Delay”) or open the ticket through the “Meus Chamados” application. 
For more information, the supplier must access the Vale Supply Portal and open a ticket in the “Meus chamados” application (eg. Retenção Indevida (Undue Retention)). 
Electronic tax invoices for services and billing documents should be sent to Vale via the Vale Procurement Global Services tool.
Suppliers should wait to receive an email with a billing report (RF). This is the document that authorizes a service to be billed and it contains instructions on how to fill out a tax invoice (“nota fiscal”).

Tax invoices must be in complete agreement with the information contained in the billing report, including withheld tax, billing data for the service receiver and details of the supplier (service provider).

If there are any discrepancies, the contract manager must be activated to correct them.

One tax invoice should be issued for each billing report.
Tax invoices must specify the order number, the number of the service description (“Folha de Registro de Serviço” or “FRS”) and billing report number.

Tax invoices should not mention the period when the services were provided (e.g., “January 20, 2016 to February 21, 2016” or “Provision of services in the month of XX/XX”).

In the specific sections of tax invoices, you should specify information such as social security (INSS) charges, reduction in calculation base, federal taxes withheld (PIS, COFINS, CSLL, IR), fiscal domicile (municipality in which the services were provided), Complementary Law 116 code, and municipal service code. If there is not a specific section for such information, you should specify it in the “Additional Information” or “Observations” section.

You must comply with the cycle for issuing and sending tax invoices, in accordance with the contract (between the 1st and 10th day of the month after the service was provided) and submit them via the portal no later than the 15th day of the month.
To submit tax invoices, you must fill in a form in the Vale Procurement Global Services system. Each form should only contain one tax invoice and the following attachments:

I. XML file (mandatory when the municipal government in question provides for this) and PDF file corresponding to the tax invoice. It is necessary to fill in the respective numbers (calculation base, taxes and tax rates) only using numbers, following the Portuguese language format, with a period (“.”) to separate thousands and a comma (“,”) to separate decimals (e.g., 1.000,00).

II. Billing report file in PDF format. (If you do not have the billing report, ask your contract manager.) In the case of a request to pay for services (“Solicitação de Pagamento de Serviços” or “SPS”), there is no billing report and the order number should be specified.

Service providers that issue electronic tax invoices from the municipal government of São Paulo’s system can use a tool that converts CSV extension files into XML format, which is required to submit this type of invoice. This tool is available in the Vale Procurement Global Services system in the “Service Center” section. Click here to see a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

You must include all ancillary documentation: DAPS, RANFS, PSENE, INSS Deduction Declaration, “Simples” tax regime declaration, judicial decisions and INSS waiver declarations.

In the case of a reduction in ISS calculation base, it is necessary to forward the respective documentation, when required by the municipal government.

One-off tax invoices should be added to the portal using a specific form: non-electronic express mail / one-off tax invoices (in the case of FRS) or non-electronic SPOT express mail / one-off tax invoices (without FRS).

Once sent, electronic tax invoices may only be cancelled if agreed by the Service Tax Receipt Area. To request cancellation of an NFS-e record, use the “Cancellation of Tax Invoice Registration Flow” form at Vale Procurement Global Services > Service Center > Receipt of Service Tax Invoices.

If there is any inconsistency and a tax invoice cannot be registered, it must be cancelled and reissued in the correct way in the same month it was sent.

Amounts of federal taxes (IR, PIS, COFINS, CSLL) withheld in excess or improperly cannot be returned by Vale. Suppliers should subsequently make the corresponding compensation.
Manually issued service tax invoices should be sent through a request option available in the Vale Procurement Global Services tool.
Step-by-step guide on how suppliers should make such requests:

1.Save the file with the non-electronic service tax invoice scanned in PDF format.

2.Access the Vale Procurement Global Services tool, click on the “Service Center” application and then “Receipt of Tax Invoices.”

3.Upload the file in the request tool and wait for approval.

4.After your request has been approved, post it in the mail to the address below:

Vale S.A

Torre Oscar Niemeyer
Praia de Botafogo, 186 – Térreo – Botafogo
CEP: 22250-145 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ

If you have any questions, talk to your contract manager.

Understand what reimbursable expenses are and when they apply

Reimbursable expenses are amounts that are not directly related to the provider's economic activity, that is, that which is not classified as a cost of the service. In service provision contracts, expenses can only be reimbursed if the supplier has incurred expenses that, by their nature, are the responsibility of Vale and if there is a requirement to pay reimbursable expenses in the contract. 


And how to collect these expenses? 

Reimbursable expenses must be billed by the suppliers through the Debit Note, which must specify the reason for the reimbursement. 


This is an environment that centralizes Vale’s procurement applications and lets suppliers obtain help from Val, our virtual assistant, who can handle queries and make requests to deal with discrepancies.
For more information about the Vale Supply Portal, click here.
This is a virtual space for selling products and services that make up the interface between Vale and its suppliers, increasing the integration of purchasing processes, ranging from quotations to payments.

The portal is divided into modules that support purchasing processes: Negotiate (quotations); Purchases (purchase orders); Transport (logistics); Pay (measurement and payments); and Supplier Performance Index (“Índice de Desempenho do Fornecedor” or “IDF”).
This system is home to applications for sending service tax invoices and billing documents (Service Center), as well as registration and certification (Midas).

A tutorial on how to use it is available in the tool itself.
Sending Service Tax Invoices (Service Center) Registration and Certification (Midas)
Information is filled in and electronic service tax invoices are sent via this application.

Note: Tax invoices for materials continue to be received by this email address:
Registration and certification of suppliers so that they are able to transact with buyers or contract managers.

This application is only accessible after an invitation has been sent to the supplier, which must already have joined the Vale Supplier Portal (e-Marketplace on the Nimbi platform).
In CRCT, suppliers upload their documents and register service providers that work on Vale premises. Vale’s Center for Analysis of Contracts with Third Parties (“Núcleo de Análise de Contratos com Terceiros” or “NACT”) performs a monthly assessment of compliance with the labor and social security obligations of contractors and subcontractors that provide services to Vale. If you have any questions, you can contact us by calling 0800 8253 000, from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.
The Contract Management System (“Sistema de Gestão de Contratos” or “SGC”) encompasses the entire contract life cycle: contract administration, mobilization of third parties, mobilization of equipment and vehicles, daily work report and SPS control.
This tool allows suppliers to schedule deliveries to our warehouses with a fixed date and time. This significantly reduces waiting time at the gates. Once an appointment has been made, the suppliers can know the arrival and departure time. The rate of compliance with the unloading schedule is higher than 80%. The tool serves all Vale operations that have supply warehouses.

Access the delivery scheduling tool.
Click here.

You can download a manual on how use this tool.
Download it here.

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