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Vale informs on the interdiction of a part of the waste water treatment system of Tubarão port

The company is immediately complying with the order and will analyze its contents to adopt the applicable measures

​A Vale informs that the City Government of Vitória determined the interdiction of a part of the waste water treatment of Tubarão port, in Vitória (state of Espírito Santo), yesterday (Thursday, February 7th), which affects the supply stocking area, the port services of coal and the pelletizing plants 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Vale is immediately complying with the order and will analyze its contents to adopt the applicable measures. 

No irregularities were found in the system during the latest inspections by the City Environmental Authorities, and the monitoring reports from October 2018 to December 2018 indicate that the waste water is within the established parameters.

Vale reinforces that it has been monitoring the water bodies that receive the waste water for over 30 years, and that it has never found any changes to the quality of water.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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