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Barão de Cocais: Vale reports on measures to support the evacuation drill

Vale has adopted measures to support the simulated evacuation of residents of the Secondary Self-Rescue Zone (ZSS) in Barão de Cocais, to be held Monday (25), at 16:00. To inform people about the drill, Vale will implement the following communication actions:

- Distribution of 5,000 flyers with the addresses of meeting points and 8,000 fliers containing the city map, the flooding area and emergency instructions;

- Installation of 1,400 signs indicating the escape routes and meeting points;

- Ads on local radio about the rising of the Sul Superior dam to level 3, including information on the preliminary meetings about the evacuation drill;

- Production of 100 posters to be affixed in strategic points of the city, such as schools, supermarkets and government agencies, containing information about the meeting points.
The City Government declared the drill date a municipal holiday in an effort to close down commercial activities, ensuring as many residents of the region will participate. The Military Police is allocating an additional number of officers and an aircraft to support the activities.
About the drill
The drill is scheduled for Monday 16:00, and should last 30 to 40 minutes, with support from Civil Defense, the Military Police and the Fire Service. Approximately 6,000 residents that occupy approximately 3,000 properties in the city are expected to attend the training.
Preliminary meetings about the drill will be held Monday, at 9:00, 11:00 and 13:00, broken down by area/neighborhood. Seven meeting points were established within walking distances from the residents of the ZSS - residents will be informed about which buildings are included in the risk area.
After the drill, the population will receive assistance from a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, police officers and firemen. Then, the residents will be registered and released to return to their homes.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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