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New episode of Mineração Por Elas brings stories of young talents who drive the cultural transformation at Vale

Young talents from Generations Y and Z, who help build more inclusive and sustainable Vale, are the main protagonists of the new episode of the web series Mineração Por Elas. The episode, which premiered this Tuesday (11/23), is the fifth of the second season and can be seen on social networks of the mining company and

Since the first season, released last year, the web series has shown the successful and inspiring presence of women in technical, operational and management areas at Vale. Episode “Jovens Talentos” (Young Talents) shows the stories of four women who are part, and at the same time, contribute to the cultural transformation of the company, bringing new perspectives on diversity, equity and inclusion.

For Nono Wu, a supply analyst at Vale in Shanghai, China, the cultural transformation that the company is undergoing enables young talents to develop professionally. According to Camila Fernandes, heavy equipment maintenance supervisor at the Capitão do Mato mine in Nova Lima (MG), this transformation promotes a change in the worldview which goes beyond the company's walls. "Vale has very good guidelines that apply both inside and outside the company, and we are starting to change our way of seeing the world", she says.

The episode also features Ana Carolina de Oliveira, operational analyst at the Carajás Serra Sul Unit (S11D) in Canaã dos Carajás/PA and Bruna Guimarães, Social Responsibility analyst at Fundação Vale (Rio de Janeiro/RJ).

Gender target and progress 

“We are truly committed to promoting inclusion and valuing diversity. We will continue in this journey together. These are ethical imperatives connected with Vale's purpose to improve people's lives and transform society for all people”, Marina Quental, Vale's executive vice president for People, says. According to her, the web series shows the diversified insertion of women in Vale in the most varied positions, professions and jobs to the audience, inspiring other women to see that it is possible and promising to build a career in the mining industry. 

In 2019, Vale announced a target to double the representation of women in its workforce by 2030, going from 13% to 26%. And to increase the presence of women in senior leadership positions from 12% to 20%. In September of this year, women already represented 18% in the senior leadership positions and 18% of the total workforce of the mining company. There are about 4,300 more women in the company since December 2019.

Check out the other episodes and learn more about Mineração Por Elas

This season's opening episode, aired in August, features pioneering women who talk about the challenges they have faced for being first in their area or position. The second tells the story of three black women who are proud to be an example to other women inside and outside the company. In the third episode, disabled women show what it has been like to work at Vale and contribute to making the environments increasingly more accessible and inclusive. The fourth episode shows stories and experiences of employees from the LGBTQIA+ community. The topic of the sixth and final episode of the season will be women in leadership positions. Each film lasts about five minutes and, in a documentary format and the protagonists of the characters, it presents the view of Vale employees from different Brazilian regions and other countries on diversity in mining. 

More than 200 women shared their life experiences and signed up to participate in the second season of Mineração Por Elas. Due to the limit of episodes, many amazing stories were left out, demonstrating that mining is an industry where women can build careers as well. As in the opening season, the production has been following all prevention and social distancing recommendations due to the pandemic. The web series Mineração por Elas is produced by Vale´s communication team in partnership with 4 Asas Produções. There were six episodes in the first season and 25 Vale employees from Brazil and other countries participated.

Watch the two seasons on


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