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Vale informs on Public Civil Action

The company will adopt the appropriate legal measures in relation to this decision

Vale informs that it was made aware of a decision by the 22nd Civil Court of the Comarca of Belo Horizonte, within the scope of the public civil action no 5013909-51.2019.8.13.0024, filed by the Public Prosecution Office of the State of Minas Gerais, which determined, among other measures, that the company refrains from disposing tailings or practicing any activity potentially capable of increasing the risks of the Laranjeiras, Menezes II, Capitão do Mato, Dique B, Taquaras, Forquilha I, Forquilha II and Forquilha III dams.

Among the dams included in the court order, three of them were built by the upstream method, Forquilha I, Forquilha II and Forquilha III, and were already inactive and covered by the accelerated decommissioning plan announced to the market in the Press Release "Vale announces the decommissioning of all its upstream tailings dams," dated January 29th, 2019. The other structures were built by the conventional method.

These structures built by the conventional method have the sole purpose of sediment containment and not tailings disposal except in the case of the Laranjeiras dam. All dams are duly licensed and have their respective stability reports in force. Vale therefore understands that there is no technical basis nor risk assessment to justify a decision to suspend the operation of any of these dams.

The estimated impact of the temporary halting of the Laranjeiras dam at the Brucutu mine (Minas Centrais complex) is approximately 30 million tons of iron ore per year.

Vale informs that it will adopt the appropriate legal measures in relation to this decision and reiterates that all the emergency measures necessary to assist the impacted people and to mitigate the impacts resulting from the breach of Dam I of the Córrego de Feijão mine are being duly adopted.


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