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Statement about the report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry

Vale respectfully disagrees with the suggestion of indictment of company employees and executives, as proposed in the final report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry of the Federal Senate.

The report recommends verdicts based on positions held at all levels of the company. Vale considers it essential that there be an expert, technical and scientific conclusion on the causes of the B1 Dam breach before any responsibilities can be identified.

Vale and its employees will continue to actively co-operate with all the competent authorities and bodies to determine the circumstances of the breach.

Relacionamento com a Imprensa - Vale

Conteúdo com Temas de imprensa Barragens .

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Nosso compromisso na reparação das comunidades e pessoas impactadas pelo rompimento da barragem B1 é constante. Veja as ações sociais, ambientais e de segurança tomadas pela Vale.
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