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Reelection of Vale's Executive Board

Vale informs that, on this date, the Company's Board of Directors approved, with the favorable opinion of the People, Compensation and Governance Committee, the election and reelection of Vale's Executive Board.

Alexandre Silva D'Ambrosio, then Vale's Legal Director, moves to the position of Legal Executive Officer, while Marina Barrenne de Artagão Quental, then People Director, moves to the position of Executive Officer of People. Maria Luiza de Oliveira Pinto e Paiva is also elected as Executive Officer of Sustainability.

The change in the organizational structure aims at greater alignment with the company's strategy, equaling the responsibility level and accountability, reinforcing Vale's commitment to the evolution of its Corporate Governance, The renewal of contracts updates some general and specific clauses for each Executive Director. The eventual non-renewal of the contracts would have resulted in the payment of the same indemnities due for early termination.

The executive officers reelected are: Eduardo de Salles Bartolomeo (Chief Executive Officer), Alexandre Gomes Pereira (Executive Officer of Business Support), Carlos Henrique Senna Medeiros (Executive Officer of Safety and Operational Excellence), Luciano Siani Pires (Executive Officer of Finance and Investor Relations), Luiz Eduardo Fróes do Amaral Osorio (Executive Officer of Institutional Relations and Communication) and Marcello Magistrini Spinelli (Executive Officer of Ferrous).

According to the amendment to the Company's Bylaws, approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of March 12, 2021, the term of office of the Executive Board is now 3 (three) years, aiming to provide greater stability to Vale's management.


Media Relations Office - Vale

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