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Vale de-characterizes B3/B4 dam

Vale S.A. ("Vale" or "Company") informs that it has completed the de-characterization¹ of the B3/B4 dam ("Dam" or "B3/B4"), located at the Mar Azul Mine, municipality of Nova Lima (MG).

The B3/B4 dam 

B3/B4 was classified with the highest emergency level in 2019, and in line with Vale's commitment to eliminating upstream dams, it is permanently free of any risk to communities and the environment. This is the 14th upstream dam de-characterized by Vale since the Upstream Dam De-characterization Program was created in 2019. 

In the de-characterization process, we used, on a large scale, unmanned equipment controlled by an operations center located about 15 kilometers from the dam, resulting in the removal of 3.3 million cubic meters of tailings. This innovative operational strategy was essential to eliminate workers' presence at the dam until safety conditions were achieved”, informed Alexandre Pereira, Vale's Executive Vice President for Projects.

As additional actions in the remaining area, Vale will perform land reconformation works, implement a drainage system and revegetation. The backup dam built as a safety measure during the dam’s de-characterization works will be removed for the area’s reintegration, making use of all the material and mitigating impacts on communities and the environment.   

Upstream Dam De-characterization Program 

Since 2019, Vale has made consistent progress on its commitment to eliminate its upstream dams. The structures being de-characterized remain inactive and are permanently monitored by the company's Geotechnical Monitoring Centers (“CMGs”). 

"We will continue to advance with the execution of our Decharacterization Program, with safety and transparency, and effective safety improvement measures until the elimination of all upstream dams in Brazil. We have already completed 46% of the program, with disbursements of US$1.7 billion, and we expect to complete two more projects in 2024, reaching around 70% by the end of 2026. This measure is essential to ensure non-repetition and to make Vale even safer.", stated Eduardo Bartolomeo, Vale's CEO.

Solutions applied are compatible with each structure’s unique characteristics and prioritize people and environment’s safety. Independent audits and competent authorities continuously assess and monitor activities. As a supplementary safety provision throughout the de-characterization works, Vale built four backup dams to serve dams considered critical. More information on Vale's dam management is available at  


Media Relations Office - Vale

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Our commitment to repairing the communities and people impacted by the B1 dam failure is constant. See the social, environmental and safety actions taken by Vale. 
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