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Vale informs on the report of the Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Investigation

Vale informs that, on this date, it received the final report issued by the Extraordinary Independent Consulting Committee for Investigation (CIAE-A).
Announced on January 27th, 2019, the CIAE-A was constituted by Vale’s Board of Directors, under the coordination of the former minister Ellen Gracie, dedicated to investigating the causes and responsibilities of the Dam I rupture, at the Córrego de Feijão mine, in Brumadinho.
The CIAE-A report contains recommendations of technical and governance nature. Most of the recommendations refers to themes that are already being addressed by Vale through several initiatives to enhance its internal controls. Vale will disclose within 30 days a timeline of implementation of such initiatives.
The executive summary of the Report is available through this link. Vale will share the full content of the Report with the authorities


Media Relations Office - Vale

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