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Dams, Reparation

Vale, today, started the registration process for donations for victims in the Self-Rescue Zone

Values will be donated to residents, farmers and traders

The registration process regarding the donation, for humanitarian purposes, for those affected by the breach of Dam I, in Brumadinho (MG) began on Monday (11/2), at 9 am. Residents of the Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) of the Emergency Plan for Dams and Mining (PAEBM) are entitled to an amount of R$ 50,000.

Those who produced or had commercial activities in the area will receive R$ 15,000. In an agreement signed this morning with the Public Defender of the State of Minas Gerais, the donations of R$ 15,000 are temporarily suspended until the company and the competent public bodies review the necessary documentation of this specific process, a matter to be dealt with in a scheduled audience this Thursday (14/2).

Registration will be held at the Knowledge Center, from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm. To aid access, mini-vans will be available to take applicants to the venue.

It is important to point out that the financial support is a donation and that it is not any kind of indemnification. The value of the donation may be cumulative, if the same person falls into more than one category among those defined: resident, rural producer or commercial establishment.

What is the Self-Rescue Zone?
The Self-Rescue Zone (ZAS) is the region downstream of the dam, up to 10 km, as defined in the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM).

Who is eligible:

A single donation worth R$ 50,000 will be made per property, even if there is more than one family unit residing in the same place. The donation is destined exclusively to those who resided in the property on the date of the breach of the dam, regardless of the relation of ownership. The real estate considered are those existing in the ZAS.

Documentation: Original documents proving the relationship of the applicant with the dwelling in the ZAS, such as: deed of purchase, IPTU card, lease contract, water or electricity bills, all with the address of the property in the name of the applicant.

R$ 15,000 will be donated per household family of rural producers that maintained productive activity in the ZAS, regardless of ownership, number of production areas and size of area. Meeiros and tenants can receive the donation.

Documentation: original documents proving the applicant's relationship with the productive activity developed in the ZAS, such as: lease or stock contracts, deed of deed, Declaration of Aptitude to Pronaf (DAP), light accounts with address of the property in name of the applicant.

R$ 15,000 will be donated to merchants who maintain a commercial establishment or develop small industrial activities in the ZAS.

Documentation: Original documents proving the relationship of the applicant with the activity or property, such as: the registration of the activity in the Commercial Board, municipal permit.

Date: from Monday, February 11, from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: Knowledge Center, Highway MG 040, KM 49, Rural Area Brumadinho

Necessary documents:
- Personal documents, bank details of the applicant, in addition to those already established above, according to category.
- Personal data of the applicant (full name, RG, CPF, date of birth, full address, e-mail, telephone and bank details).
- The bank details required are: bank, bank number, sort code and account - with digits - and account type (current or savings).
Vale will provide the support for opening a bank account at Banco do Brasil, if necessary.

Information: 0800 031 0831 (Hello Brumadinho) / 0800 285 7000 (Hello Railroad) / 0800 821 5000 (Vale Ombudsman's Office)


Media Relations Office - Vale

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