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International Anti-Corruption Day

Acting with Integrity is one of Vale's values. On the International Anti-Corruption Day, December 9, we reinforce our commitment to ethics and share with our suppliers the principles that guide our business.

Photo: Nitro Imagens

Intolerance for corruption or any improper advantage is part of Vale's Principles of Conduct for Third Parties. We seek to work with suppliers who are also committed to operating their businesses in a responsible and ethical way.

It is strictly prohibited by Vale to offer or receive any gifts, favours or anything of value, directly or indirectly, to improperly influence a decision or gain an unfair advantage.

Besides being illegal, unethical and subject to criminal liability, corruption also has serious consequences for companies and society. Vale has zero tolerance for corruption and does not protect anyone who is involved in any corrupt activity.

"Our anti-corruption commitment goes far beyond the rules and laws we must comply with. For us, acting with integrity is a matter of social responsibility. Promoting an increasingly responsible, ethical and transparent business environment is part of our commitment,” reinforces Vale's Chief Audit and Compliance Officer, Denis Cuenca.

To learn more about Vale's anti-corruption guidelines for suppliers, consult our Anti-Corruption Guide for suppliers and other third parties available at the page Suppliers.

For more information about Vale's commitments, visit our ESG Portal.

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